Commit 70b07374 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Updated to reflect copy/move of scripts to fmc-mtlu-sw

parent ce8fdd11
......@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
\textit{Documentation for \oldbrd and \brd.}\newline
\testit{Firm(Gate)ware version 1e000026}\newline
Paolo Baesso, David Cussans - \monthname, \the\year
......@@ -71,7 +71,5 @@ Current structure of a fmctlu producer event:
\section{Python scripts}
The scripts used to debug work locally with the \gls{tlu} are located in a dedicated folder in the \href{}{firmware repository}\footnote{\_AIDA/tree/master/TLU\_v1e/scripts} and rely on additional packages and software.
First of all, the user should download the \href{}{packages} used to control the various components of the hardware\footnote{\_AIDA/tree/master/packages}. It is also necessary to have a local installation of \href{}{IPBUS and uHAL}\footnote{}.\\
The scripts used to debug work locally with the \gls{tlu} are located in the OHWR fmc-mtlu-sw \href{}{firmware repository}\footnote{}. It is also necessary to have a local installation of \href{}{IPBUS and uHAL}\footnote{}.Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the packages sub-directory and the UHAL package.\\
Once all the necessary packages have been installed and the environment is set to point to the right folders, it is possible to run the \verb|| script to start an interface that allows to operate the \gls{tlu}.
\ No newline at end of file
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