Commit 36362ca6 authored by Paolo Baesso's avatar Paolo Baesso Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #14 from PaoloGB/documentation

parents 2b965fdc 1cd9e979
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135278587 0 -1 3576 -1 4266 75 75 1448 573 0 1 265 884 -1 -1 0 0 43 -1 -1 43 1 0 4266 -1 0 -1 0
135278587 0 -1 1149 -1 1153 75 75 1448 573 0 1 193 323 -1 -1 0 0 43 -1 -1 43 1 0 1153 -1 0 -1 0
17838075 0 -1 22273 -1 22523 100 100 1473 598 0 1 825 714 -1 -1 0 0 48 -1 -1 48 1 0 22523 -1 0 -1 0
269496315 0 -1 11800 -1 11801 300 300 1686 977 0 1 1945 969 -1 -1 0 0 45 -1 -1 45 1 0 11801 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 2428 -1 2401 150 150 1523 648 0 1 137 408 -1 -1 0 0 43 -1 -1 43 1 0 2401 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 2896 -1 2869 150 150 1523 648 0 1 49 408 -1 -1 0 0 43 -1 -1 43 1 0 2869 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 2823 -1 2808 150 150 2063 827 0 1 49 935 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 2808 -1 0 0 0
1060859 0 -1 638 -1 660 150 150 2063 827 0 1 401 -358 -1 -1 0 0 61 -1 -1 61 1 0 660 -1 0 0 0
1060859 0 -1 2604 -1 2778 200 200 1573 698 0 1 369 493 -1 -1 0 0 41 -1 -1 41 1 0 2778 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 1 -1 441 -1 433 200 200 1573 698 0 1 345 68 -1 -1 0 0 41 -1 -1 41 1 0 433 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 914 -1 1840 100 100 1473 598 0 1 89 255 -1 -1 0 0 31 -1 -1 31 1 0 1840 -1 0 -1 0
269496315 0 -1 291 -1 313 75 75 1448 573 0 1 105 34 -1 -1 0 0 42 -1 -1 42 1 0 313 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 1975 -1 3888 0 0 1386 472 0 1 233 561 -1 -1 0 0 39 -1 -1 39 1 0 3888 -1 0 -1 0
17838075 0 -1 9482 -1 9218 25 25 1411 497 0 1 169 510 -1 -1 0 0 45 -1 -1 45 1 0 9218 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 1968 -1 1990 175 175 2088 852 0 1 1865 323 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 1990 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 4 -1 36 -1 37 175 175 1548 673 0 1 337 0 -1 -1 0 0 37 -1 -1 37 1 0 37 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 220 -1 270 75 75 1448 573 0 1 1849 17 -1 -1 0 0 42 -1 -1 42 1 0 270 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 3508 -1 3508 100 100 1473 598 0 1 553 561 -1 -1 0 0 31 -1 -1 31 1 0 3508 -1 0 -1 0
1060859 0 -1 545 -1 563 125 125 1498 623 0 1 41 204 -1 -1 0 0 44 -1 -1 44 1 0 563 -1 0 -1 0
\chapter{DUT signals}\label{ch:DUTsignals}
In the old firmware the clock signals (\verb|dut_clk_n_o, dut_clk_p_o|) were configured as input/output. The new hardware has the lines separated so \verb|dut_clk_p_i| is the input vector and \verb|dut_clk_p_o| the output one.\\
\ No newline at end of file
In the old versions of the \gls{tlu} the direction of the signals on the \verb|HDMI*| connectors were pre-defined. The new hardware has separate lines for signals going into the \gls{tlu} and signals out of the \gls{tlu}. See section~\ref{ch:hwDUT} for further details.\\
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}% Get rid of that MySpace feeling in hypelinks...
\usepackage{listings} %Include code
......@@ -131,6 +132,9 @@
\def\brd{FMC\_TLU\_v1E }
\def\oldbrd{FMC\_TLU\_v1C }
......@@ -139,9 +143,9 @@
\textit{Board fmc\_tlu\_v1d.}\newline
\textit{Board \brd.}\newline
Paolo Baesso - 2016\newline
Paolo Baesso - \monthname, \the\year\newline
......@@ -160,7 +164,11 @@ Paolo Baesso - 2016\newline
\def\brd{FMC\_TLU\_v1d }
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Not all parameters are needed; if one of the parameters is not present in the fi
\item[TLUmod] \verb|[string, "1e"]| Version of the \gls{tlu} hardware. Reserved for future use.
\item[nDUTs] \verb|[positive int, 4]| Number of \gls{dut} in the current \gls{tlu}. This is for future upgrades and should not require editing by the user.
\item[nTrgIn] \verb|[positive int, 6]| Number of trigger inputs in the current \gls{tlu}. This is for future upgrades and should not require editing by the user.
\item[I2C\_COREEXP\_Addr] \verb|[positive int, 0x21]| \gls{i2c} address of the core expander mounted on the Enclustra board. This is not required if a different \gls{fpga} is used.
\item[I2C\_COREEXP\_Addr] \verb|[positive int, 0x21]| \gls{i2c} address of the core expander mounted on the Enclustra board. This is not required if a different \gls{fpga} is used. See section~\ref{ch:i2c} for further details.
\item[I2C\_CLK\_Addr] \verb|[positive int, 0x68]| \gls{i2c} address of Si5345 clock generator installed on the \gls{tlu}.
\item[I2C\_DAC1\_Addr] \verb|[positive int, 0x13]| \gls{i2c} address of \gls{dac} installed on the \gls{tlu}. The \gls{dac} is used to configure the threshold of the trigger inputs.
\item[I2C\_DAC2\_Addr] \verb|[positive int, 0x1F]| \gls{i2c} address of \gls{dac} installed on the \gls{tlu}. The \gls{dac} is used to configure the threshold of the trigger inputs.
\chapter{TLU Hardware}\label{ch:hardware}
Board \brd is an evolution of the miniTLU designed at the \gls{uob}. The board shares a few features with the miniTLU but also introduces several improvements. This chapter illustrates the main features of the board to provide a general view of its capabilities and an understanding of how to operate it in order to communicate with the \gls{dut}s.
\section{Inputs and interfaces}
\section{Inputs and interfaces}\label{ch:hwDUT}
The board must be plugged onto a \gls{fmc} carrier board with an \gls{fpga} in order to function correctly. The connection is achieved using a low pin count \gls{fmc} connector. The list of the pins used is provided in appendix at page~\pageref{ch:appendix}.\\
The \gls{dut}s are connected to the \gls{tlu} using standard size \gls{hdmi} connectors\footnote{In the miniTLU hardware there were mini\gls{hdmi} connectors.}. In this version of the hardware, up to four \gls{dut}s can be connected to the board. In this document the connectors will be referred to as \verb|HDMI_DUT_1|, \verb|HDMI_DUT_2|, \verb|HDMI_DUT_3| and \verb|HDMI_DUT_4|.\\
\subsubsection{Device under test}\label{ch:dut}
The \gls{dut}s are connected to the \gls{tlu} using standard size \gls{hdmi} connectors\footnote{In the miniTLU hardware there were mini\gls{hdmi} connectors.}.\\
In this version of the hardware, up to four \gls{dut}s can be connected to the board. In this document the connectors will be referred to as \verb|HDMI1|, \verb|HDMI2|, \verb|HDMI3| and \verb|HDMI4|.\\
The connectors expect 3.3~V \gls{lvds} signals and are bi-directional, i.e. any differential pair can be configured to be an output (signal from the TLU to the DUT) or an input (signals from the DUT to the TLU) by using half-duplex line transceivers. Figure~\ref{fig:LVDSTransceiver} illustrates how the differential pairs are connected to the transceivers.
The input part of the transceiver is configured to be always on. This means that signals going \emph{into} the \gls{tlu} are always routed to the logic (\gls{fpga}). By contrast, the output transceivers have to be enabled and are off by default: signal sent from the logic to the \gls{dut}s cannot reach the devices unless the corresponding enable signal is active.
......@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ The enable signals can be configured by programming two \gls{gpio} bus expanders
\caption{Internal configuration of the HDMI pins for the DUTs. The path from the DUT to the FPGA is always active. The path from the FPGA to the DUT can be enabled or disabled by the user.}\label{fig:LVDSTransceiver}
In terms for functionalities, the four \gls{hdmi} connectors are identical with one exception: the clock signal from \verb|HDMI_DUT_4| can be used as reference for the clock generator chip mounted on the hardware. For more details on this functionality refer to section~\ref{ch:clock}.
In terms for functionalities, the four \gls{hdmi} connectors are identical with one exception: the clock signal from \verb|HDMI4| can be used as reference for the clock generator chip mounted on the hardware. For more details on this functionality refer to section~\ref{ch:clock}.
\section{Clock LEMO}
The board hosts a two-pin LEMO connector that can be used to provide a reference clock to the clock generator (see section~\ref{ch:clock}) or to output the clock from the \gls{tlu} to the external world, for instance to use it as a reference for another \gls{tlu}. The signal level is 3.3~V \gls{lvds}.\\
......@@ -66,12 +67,12 @@ The correspondence between DAC slave and thresholds is shown in table~\ref{tab:D
& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Output} \\ \hline
& \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{DAC2(Ic2)}} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{DAC1 (Ic1)}} \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 0} & 0 & \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 1} & 1 & \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 2} & & 0 \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 3} & & 1 \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 4} & & 2 \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 5} & & 3 \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 0} & 1 & \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 1} & 0 & \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 2} & & 3 \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 3} & & 2 \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 4} & & 1 \\ \hline
\textbf{Threshold 5} & & 0 \\ \hline
......@@ -102,7 +103,8 @@ The \gls{i2c} interface on the \brd can be used to configured several features o
& & Enclustra slave & 0x64 \\ \hline
Once the interface is enabled it is possible to read and write to the devices listed in the top part of table~\ref{tab:I2C addresses}. The user should reference the manual of each individual component to determine the register that must be addressed. The rest of this section is meant to provide an overview of the slave functionalities.
Once the interface is enabled it is possible to read and write to the devices listed in the top part of table~\ref{tab:I2C addresses}.\\
The user should reference the manual of each individual component to determine the register that must be addressed. The rest of this section is meant to provide an overview of the slave functionalities.
Each \gls{dac} has four outputs that can be configured independently. \verb|DAC1| is used to configure the thresholds of the first four trigger inputs; \verb|DAC2| configures the remaining two thresholds.\\
......@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ The expanders are used as electronic switched to enable and disable individual l
\subsubsection{Clock generator}
The clock for \brd can be generated using various external or internal references (see section~\ref{ch:clock} for further details). In order to reduce any jitter from the clock source and to provide a stable clock, the board hosts a Si5345 clock generator that needs to be configured via \gls{i2c} interface.\\
The configuration involves writing $\thicksim$380 register values. A configuration file, containing all the register addresses and the corresponding values, can be generated using the ClockBuilder tool available from \href{}{Silicon Labs}.\\
The registers addresses between 0x026B and 0x0272 contain user-defined values that can be used to identify the configuration version: it is advisable to check those registers and ensure that they contain the correct code to ensure that the chip is configured according to the \gls{tlu} specifications.\\
The registers addresses between 0x026B and 0x0272 contain user-defined values that can be used to identify the configuration version: it is advisable to check those registers and check that they contain the correct code to ensure that the chip is configured according to the \gls{tlu} specifications. As an indication, files generated for the current version of the \gls{tlu} should have a configuration identifier in the form \verb|TLU1E_XX|, where \verb|XX| is a sequential number.\\
\begin{alertinfo}{TLU Producer}
When using the TLU producer to configure hardware, the location of the configuration file can be specified by setting the \texttt{CLOCK\_CFG\_FILE} value in the \emph{conf} file for the producer.\\
If no value is specified, the software will look for the configuration file \texttt{../conf/confClk.txt} i.e. if the \texttt{euRun} binary file is located in \texttt{./eudaq/bin}, then the default configuration file should reside in \texttt{./eudaq/conf}. The configuration will produce an error if the file is not found.
Before powering the \gls{tlu} it is necessary to follow a few steps to ensure the board and the \gls{fpga} work correctly.\\
The \brd is designed to plug onto a carrier \gls{fpga} board like any other \gls{fmc} mezzanine board, although its form factor does not comply with the ANSI-VITA-57-1 standard.\\
The firmware developed at University of Bristol is targeted to work with the Enclustra AX3 board, which must be plugged onto a PM3 base, also produced by \href{}{Enclustra}. The firmware is written on the \gls{fpga} using a \gls{jtag} interface. Typically a breakout board will be required to connect the Xilinx programming cable to the Enclustra PM3.\\
Currently, it is recommended to use the following:
\item MA-PM3-W-R5: Mars PM3 base board
\item MA-AX3-35-1I-D8-R3: Marx AX3 module (hosts a Xilinx XC7A35T-1CSG324I )
\item MA-PM3-ACC-BASE: Accessory kit, including a \gls{jtag} breakout board to connect Xilinx programming cables. Also includes a 12~V power supply to power the PM3.
This manual describes the AIDA \gls{tlu} designed for the \href{}{AIDA-2020 project} by David Cussans\footnote{University of Bristol, Particle Physics group} and Paolo Baesso\footnote{University of Bristol, Particle Physics group}.\\
The unit is designed to be used in High Energy Physics beam-tests and provides a simple and flexible interface for fast timing and triggering signals at the AIDA pixel sensor beam-telescope.\\
The current version of the hardware is an evolution of the \href{}{EUDET-TLU} and the \href{}{miniTLU} and is shipped in a metallic case that includes an \gls{fpga} board and the \gls{tlu} \gls{pcb}: the \gls{fpga} is responsible for all the logic functions of the unit, while the \gls{pcb} contains the clock chip, discriminator and interface blocks needed to communicate with other devices.\\
The current version of the \gls{pcb} is \brd and is designed to plug onto a carrier \gls{fpga} board like any other \gls{fmc} mezzanine board, although its form factor does not comply with the ANSI-VITA-57-1 standard.\\
\section{I/O voltage setting}
The I/O pins of the PM3 can be configured to operate at 2.5~V or 3.3~V; the factory default is 2.5~V but the \brd requires 3.3~V logic. The user should make sure to select the appropriate voltage by operating on DIP-switch CFG-A/S1200 (pin 1 set to ON).\\For reference, a top view of the board is provided in the appendix at page~\pageref{ch:appendix}.\\
Please double check the PM3 board manual for the correct way to change the I/O voltage setting. Enclustra has been changing their hardware recently.
The \gls{tlu} is shipped with an \gls{fpga} board already programmed with the latest version of the firmware needed to operate the unit.\\
The firmware developed at University of Bristol is targeted to work with the Enclustra AX3 board, which must be plugged onto a PM3 base, also produced by \href{}{Enclustra}. The firmware is written on the \gls{fpga} using a \gls{jtag} interface. Typically a breakout board will be required to connect the Xilinx programming cable to the Enclustra PM3. All these components are included in the \gls{tlu} enclosure so the user can upload a new version of the firmware by simply connecting a \gls{usb}-B cable in the back panel of the unit.\\
At the time of writing this work\footnote{Oct 2017} the AX3 is the only \gls{fpga} for which a firmware has been developed. However, we plan to ship future versions of the \gls{tlu} with a custom made \gls{fpga} designed by Samer Kilani.
If the \gls{fpga} detects a programming cable connected it will not load the firmware from its memory after a power cycle.\\
It is recommended to leave the \gls{usb} cable disconnected from the back panel unless there is the intention to re-program the firmware.
\section{Xilinx programming cable}
The \gls{jtag} pins on the PM3 are located on the header J800 (20-way, 2.54~mm pitch). The breakout board provided by Enclustra sits on top of the header and connects the pins to a 14-way Molex milli-grid header so that it is possible to plug the Xiling programming cable directly onto it. However, when the \brd is mounted on a base plate as shown in figure~\ref{fig:TLUplate}, the breakout board has to be detached from the PM3 because it interferes with the mounting screws.\\
The connection between J800 and the breakout can be achieved by using two standard 20-way \gls{idc} cables as shown in figure~\ref{fig:XilinxCable}.
\caption{\brd and PM3 mounted on a base plate: in this configuration it is not possible to install the breakout board on the PM3 because the mountings screws are in the way.}\label{fig:TLUplate}
\caption{Connecting the Xilinx programming cable to the PM3 in an ugly (but effective) way.}\label{fig:XilinxCable}
The \gls{tlu} requires 12~V to operate. Power can be provided using the circular jack on the back panel of the unit.\\
During normal operation the current drawn by the unit is about ??A.
%Before powering the \gls{tlu} it is necessary to follow a few steps to ensure the board and the \gls{fpga} work correctly.\\
%Currently, it is recommended to use the following:
% \item MA-PM3-W-R5: Mars PM3 base board
% \item MA-AX3-35-1I-D8-R3: Marx AX3 module (hosts a Xilinx XC7A35T-1CSG324I )
% \item MA-PM3-ACC-BASE: Accessory kit, including a \gls{jtag} breakout board to connect Xilinx programming cables. Also includes a 12~V power supply to power the PM3.
%\section{I/O voltage setting}
%The I/O pins of the PM3 can be configured to operate at 2.5~V or 3.3~V; the factory default is 2.5~V but the \brd requires 3.3~V logic. The user should make sure to select the appropriate voltage by operating on DIP-switch CFG-A/S1200 (pin 1 set to ON).\\For reference, a top view of the board is provided in the appendix at page~\pageref{ch:appendix}.\\
% Please double check the PM3 board manual for the correct way to change the I/O voltage setting. Enclustra has been changing their hardware recently.
%\section{Xilinx programming cable}
%The \gls{jtag} pins on the PM3 are located on the header J800 (20-way, 2.54~mm pitch). The breakout board provided by Enclustra sits on top of the header and connects the pins to a 14-way Molex milli-grid header so that it is possible to plug the Xiling programming cable directly onto it. However, when the \brd is mounted on a base plate as shown in figure~\ref{fig:TLUplate}, the breakout board has to be detached from the PM3 because it interferes with the mounting screws.\\
%The connection between J800 and the breakout can be achieved by using two standard 20-way \gls{idc} cables as shown in figure~\ref{fig:XilinxCable}.
% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=.50\textwidth]{./Images/TLU_plate.jpg}
% \caption{\brd and PM3 mounted on a base plate: in this configuration it is not possible to install the breakout board on the PM3 because the mountings screws are in the way.}\label{fig:TLUplate}
% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=.80\textwidth]{./Images/XilinxCable.jpg}
% \caption{Connecting the Xilinx programming cable to the PM3 in an ugly (but effective) way.}\label{fig:XilinxCable}
Before powering the \gls{tlu} it is necessary to follow a few steps to ensure the board and the \gls{fpga} work correctly.\\
The \brd is designed to plug onto a carrier \gls{fpga} board like any other \gls{fmc} mezzanine board, although its form factor does not comply with the ANSI-VITA-57-1 standard.\\
The firmware developed at University of Bristol is targeted to work with the Enclustra AX3 board, which must be plugged onto a PM3 base, also produced by \href{}{Enclustra}. The firmware is written on the \gls{fpga} using a \gls{jtag} interface. Typically a breakout board will be required to connect the Xilinx programming cable to the Enclustra PM3.\\
Currently, it is recommended to use the following:
\item MA-PM3-W-R5: Mars PM3 base board
\item MA-AX3-35-1I-D8-R3: Marx AX3 module (hosts a Xilinx XC7A35T-1CSG324I )
\item MA-PM3-ACC-BASE: Accessory kit, including a \gls{jtag} breakout board to connect Xilinx programming cables. Also includes a 12~V power supply to power the PM3.
\section{I/O voltage setting}
The I/O pins of the PM3 can be configured to operate at 2.5~V or 3.3~V; the factory default is 2.5~V but the \brd requires 3.3~V logic. The user should make sure to select the appropriate voltage by operating on DIP-switch CFG-A/S1200 (pin 1 set to ON).\\For reference, a top view of the board is provided in the appendix at page~\pageref{ch:appendix}.\\
Please double check the PM3 board manual for the correct way to change the I/O voltage setting. Enclustra has been changing their hardware recently.
\section{Xilinx programming cable}
The \gls{jtag} pins on the PM3 are located on the header J800 (20-way, 2.54~mm pitch). The breakout board provided by Enclustra sits on top of the header and connects the pins to a 14-way Molex milli-grid header so that it is possible to plug the Xiling programming cable directly onto it. However, when the \brd is mounted on a base plate as shown in figure~\ref{fig:TLUplate}, the breakout board has to be detached from the PM3 because it interferes with the mounting screws.\\
The connection between J800 and the breakout can be achieved by using two standard 20-way \gls{idc} cables as shown in figure~\ref{fig:XilinxCable}.
\caption{\brd and PM3 mounted on a base plate: in this configuration it is not possible to install the breakout board on the PM3 because the mountings screws are in the way.}\label{fig:TLUplate}
\caption{Connecting the Xilinx programming cable to the PM3 in an ugly (but effective) way.}\label{fig:XilinxCable}
The \gls{tlu} can use various sources to produce a stable 40~MHz clock\footnote{For some applications a 50~MHz clock will be required instead}. A \gls{lvpecl} crystal provides the reference 50~MHz clock for a Si5345A jitter attenuator. The Si5345A can accept up to four clock sources and use them to generate the required output clocks.\\
In the \gls{tlu} the possible sources are: pair of external pins LK4\_9 and LK3\_9, differential LEMO connector LM1\_9, \gls{fpga} pins (\verb|CLK_FROM_FPGA|) and one of the four \gls{hdmi} connectors (\verb|HDMI_DUT_4|).\\
The low-jitter clock generated by the Si5345A can be distributed to up to ten recipients. In the \gls{tlu} these are: the four \gls{dut}s via \gls{hdmi} connectors, the differential LEMO cable, the \gls{fpga}, connector J1 as a differential pair (pins 4 and 6) and as a single ended signal (pin 8), two test resistors R24\_9 and R54\_9.\\
In \brd the possible sources are: differential LEMO connector LM1\_9, one of the four \gls{hdmi} connectors (\verb|HDMI4|), a \gls{cdr} chip connected to the \gls{sfp} cage. The fourht input is used to provide a zero-delay feedback loop.\\
The low-jitter clock generated by the Si5345A can be distributed to up to ten recipients. In the \gls{tlu} these are: the four \gls{dut}s via \gls{hdmi} connectors, the differential LEMO cable, the \gls{fpga}, connector J1 as a differential pair (pins 4 and 6) and as a single ended signal (pin 8). The final output is connected to the zero-delay feedback loop.\\
The \gls{dut}s can receive the clock either from the Si5435A or directly from the \gls{fpga}: when provided by the clock generator, the signal name is \verb|CLK\_TO\_DUT| and is enabled by signal \verb|ENABLE_CLK_TO_DUT|; when the signal is provided directly from the \gls{fpga} the line used is \verb|DUT_CLK_FROM_FPGA| and is enabled by \verb|ENABLE_DUT_CLK_FROM_FPGA|.\\
The firmware uses the clock generated by the Si5345A except for the block \verb|enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra| which relies on a crystal mounted on the Enclustra board to provide the IPBus functionalities (in this way, at power up the board can communicate via IPBus even if the Si5345A is not configured).
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ The firmware uses the clock generated by the Si5345A except for the block \verb|
The Si5345 has four inputs that can be selected to provide the clock alignment; the selection can be automatic or user-defined.
\caption{Si5345 Input Selection Configuration.}
......@@ -23,4 +24,4 @@ IN\_SEL & 0x052A {[}2:1{]} & \begin{tabular}[
\section{Logic clocks registers}\label{ch:logicClock}
LogicClocksCSR: in the new TLU the selection of the clock source is done by programming the Si5345. As a consequence, there is no reason to write to this register. Reading it back returns the status of the PLL on bit 0, so this should read 0x1.
\ No newline at end of file
LogicClocksCSR: in the new TLU the selection of the clock source is done by programming the Si5345. As a consequence, there is no reason to write to this register. Reading it back returns the status of the PLL on bit 0, so this should read 0x1.
\ No newline at end of file
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