Commit 7b09e8c7 authored by Paolo Baesso's avatar Paolo Baesso

Minor tweaks and added David's latest firmware (which might still have some bugs)

parent ab189fa3
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ I2C_ID_Addr = 0x50
I2C_EXP1_Addr = 0x74
#I2C address of 2st expander PCA9539PW
I2C_EXP2_Addr = 0x75
#I2C address of EEPROM on powermodule
I2C_pwrId_Addr = 0x51
#I2C address of AD5665R on powermodule
I2C_DACModule_Addr = 0x1C
# Max value for control voltage on PMTs (usually 1 V)
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class CFA632:
def test(self):
print "Testing the display"
def writeSomething(self, i2ccmd):
mystop= True
print "Write to CFA632"
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class LCD_ada:
self.slaveaddr = slaveaddr
self.nRows= 2
self.nCols= 16
def test(self):
mystop= True
i2ccmd= []
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class LCD_ada:
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, i2ccmd, mystop)
def getGPIO(self):
# Read port (if configured as inputs)
......@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ class LCD_ada:
res= self.slaveaddr, nwords)
print "MCP23008 IOdir", res
return res
def setGPIO(self, gpio):
# Sets the output latch
mystop= True
i2ccmd= [9, gpio]
print "Write GPIO to MCP23008"
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, i2ccmd, mystop)
def getIOdir(self):
regN= 0x00
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class LCD_ada:
res= self.slaveaddr, nwords)
print "MCP23008 IOdir", res
return res
def setIOdir(self, iodir):
# 1 indicates the port is an input
# 0 indicates the port is an output
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class LCD09052:
self.writeString([80, 81, 80, 81, 82])
def test2(self, myString1= "", myString2= ""):
#myString= [80, 81, 80, 81, 82]
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class LCD09052:
def dispString(self, myString):
### Writes the string on the display
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class LCD09052:
def writeString(self, myChars):
### Writes a list of chars from the current position of the cursor
## NOTE: myChars is a list of integers corresponding to the ASCII code of each
......@@ -162,31 +162,31 @@ class LCD09052:
myChars.insert(0, 1)
mystop= True
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, myChars, mystop)
def posCursor(self, line, pos):
### Position the cursor on a specific location
## line can be 1 (top) or 2 (bottom)
## pos can be [1, 16}
if ((line==1) or (line==2) and (1 <= pos <= self.nCols)):
if ( ((line==1) or (line==2)) and (1 <= pos <= self.nCols)):
i2ccmd= [2, line, pos]
mystop= True
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, i2ccmd, mystop)
print "Cursor line can only be 1 or 2, position must be in range [1,", self.nCols, "]"
def clearLine(self, iLine):
### Clear line. Place cursor at beginning of line.
if ((iLine==1) or (iLine==2)):
i2ccmd= [3, iLine]
mystop= True
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, i2ccmd, mystop)
def clear(self):
### Clears the display and locates the curson on position (1,1), i.e. top left
i2ccmd= [4]
mystop= True
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, i2ccmd, mystop)
def setLCDtype(self, nLines, nColumns):
### Specifies the number of lines and columns in the display.
## This does not seem to do much but we use it anyway.
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class LCD09052:
i2ccmd= [5, nLines, nColumns]
mystop= True
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, i2ccmd, mystop)
def setBrightness(self, value= 250):
### Sets the brightness level of the backlight.
## Value is an integer in range [0, 250]. 0= no light, 250= maximum light.
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class LCD09052:
i2ccmd= [7, value]
mystop= True
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, i2ccmd, mystop)
def writeChar(self, value):
### Writes a char in the current cursor position
## The cursor is then shifted right one position
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class LCD09052:
mystop= True
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, i2ccmd, mystop)
def createChar(self, pos=1, myChar=[]):
### Define a personalized character and stores it in position "pos"
## NOTE: This is not working yet.
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ class LCD09052:
myChar.insert(0, 64)
self.i2c.write( self.slaveaddr, myChar, mystop)
def writeSomething(self, i2ccmd):
mystop= True
print "Write to LCD09052"
......@@ -246,4 +246,4 @@ class LCD09052:
for iPt in myList:
iBright= int(250*abs(math.cos(iPt)))
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