Commit b0e208d2 authored by Javier Díaz's avatar Javier Díaz Committed by Miguel Jimenez Lopez

including sdb support, moving i2c to wrcore

parent dc00dad0
files = ["wrsw_dio_wb.vhd",
"dummy_time.vhd" ]
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- Title : DIO Core
-- Project : White Rabbit Network Interface
-- File : wrsw_dio.vhd
-- File : xwrsw_dio.vhd
-- Author : Rafael Rodriguez, Javier Díaz
-- Company : Seven Solutions
-- Created : 2012-03-03
......@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
-- to schedule the generation of a pulse at a given future seconds time, or to generate
-- it immediately.
-- TODO:
-- TODO: Include wb adapter
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author Description
-- 2012-03-03 0.1 Rafa.r Created
-- 2012-03-08 0.2 Javier.d Added wrsw_dio_wb
-- 2012-07-05 0.3 Javier.d Midified wrsw_dio_wb, modified interface
-- 2012-03-08 0.1 JDiaz Added wrsw_dio_wb
-- 2012-07-05 0.2 JDiaz Modified wrsw_dio_wb, modified interface
-- 2012-07-20 0.2 JDiaz Include sdb support
-- Memory map:
-- 0x000: DIO-ONEWIRE
......@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
use work.wrnic_sdb_pkg.all;
entity xwrsw_dio is
generic (
......@@ -69,15 +70,14 @@ entity xwrsw_dio is
tm_seconds_i : in std_logic_vector(39 downto 0);
tm_cycles_i : in std_logic_vector(27 downto 0);
slave_i : in t_wishbone_slave_in;
slave_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out;
-- Debug signals for chipscope
TRIG0 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
TRIG1 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
TRIG2 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
TRIG3 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
slave_i : in t_wishbone_slave_in;
slave_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out
-- wb_irq_data_fifo_o : out std_logic -- T.B.DELETED
TRIG3 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
end xwrsw_dio;
......@@ -375,18 +375,14 @@ architecture rtl of xwrsw_dio is
signal tm_seconds : std_logic_vector (39 downto 0);
signal tm_cycles : std_logic_vector (27 downto 0);
-- WB Crossbar
constant c_cfg_base_addr : t_wishbone_address_array(3 downto 0) :=
(0 => x"00000000", -- ONEWIRE
1 => x"00000100", -- I2C
2 => x"00000200", -- GPIO
3 => x"00000300"); -- PULSE GEN & STAMPER
constant c_cfg_base_mask : t_wishbone_address_array(3 downto 0) :=
(0 => x"00000f00",
1 => x"00000f00",
2 => x"00000f00",
3 => x"00000f00");
-- WB SDB Crossbar
constant c_diobar_layout : t_sdb_record_array(3 downto 0) :=
(0 => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_onewire_master_sdb , x"00000000"), -- ONEWIRE
1 => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_i2c_master_sdb , x"00000100"), -- I2C
2 => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwb_gpio_port_sdb , x"00000200"), -- GPIO
3 => f_sdb_embed_device(c_xwrsw_dio_wb_sdb , x"00000300") -- DIO REGISTERS
constant c_diobar_sdb_address : t_wishbone_address := x"00000400";
signal cbar_master_in : t_wishbone_master_in_array(c_WB_SLAVES_DIO-1 downto 0);
signal cbar_master_out : t_wishbone_master_out_array(c_WB_SLAVES_DIO-1 downto 0);
......@@ -444,7 +440,7 @@ begin
U_pulse_stamper : pulse_stamper
U_PULSE_STAMPER : pulse_stamper
port map(
clk_ref_i => clk_ref_i,
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_i,
......@@ -469,10 +465,10 @@ begin
U_Onewire : xwb_onewire_master
U_ONEWIRE : xwb_onewire_master
generic map (
g_interface_mode => PIPELINED,
g_address_granularity => BYTE,
g_address_granularity => g_address_granularity,
g_num_ports => 1)
port map (
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_i,
......@@ -492,7 +488,7 @@ begin
U_I2C : xwb_i2c_master
generic map (
g_interface_mode => PIPELINED,
g_address_granularity => BYTE
g_address_granularity => g_address_granularity
port map (
......@@ -522,7 +518,7 @@ begin
U_GPIO : xwb_gpio_port
generic map (
g_interface_mode => PIPELINED,
g_address_granularity => BYTE,
g_address_granularity => g_address_granularity,
g_num_pins => 32,
g_with_builtin_tristates => false)
port map (
......@@ -539,14 +535,14 @@ begin
-- WB Crossbar
WB_INTERCON : xwb_crossbar
WB_DIO_INTERCON : xwb_sdb_crossbar
generic map(
g_num_masters => 1,
g_num_slaves => 4,
g_registered => true,
-- Address of the slaves connected
g_address => c_cfg_base_addr,
g_mask => c_cfg_base_mask
g_wraparound => true,
g_layout => c_diobar_layout,
g_sdb_addr => c_diobar_sdb_address
port map(
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_i,
......@@ -604,9 +600,9 @@ begin
dio_sdn_n_o <= gpio_out(31);
-- WB DIO control registers
U_seconds_wbslave : wrsw_dio_wb
U_DIO_REGISTERS : wrsw_dio_wb
port map(
rst_n_i => rst_n_i,
clk_sys_i => clk_sys_i,
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