Commit cfeb1a08 authored by Vaibhav Gupta's avatar Vaibhav Gupta

lib: Makefile: Rename the include directory

The include directory for installing header files should be named as
Signed-off-by: 's avatarVaibhav Gupta <>
parent 28563a92
......@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ libdir ?= $(prefix)/lib
includedir ?= $(prefix)/include
install: $(LIB) $(LIBS) $(LIBS_XYZ)
mkdir -m 0775 -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/fmc-delay
mkdir -m 0775 -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/fmc-fine-delay
install -D -t $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) -m 0644 $(LIB)
install -D -t $(DESTDIR)$(libdir) -m 0755 $(LIBS_XYZ)
install -D -t $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/fmc-delay -m 0644 fdelay-lib.h
install -D -t $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/fmc-delay -m 0644 ../kernel/fine-delay.h
install -D -t $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/fmc-fine-delay -m 0644 fdelay-lib.h
install -D -t $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/fmc-fine-delay -m 0644 ../kernel/fine-delay.h
cp -d $(LIBS) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
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