Commit 041c7335 authored by Vaibhav Gupta's avatar Vaibhav Gupta

Revert "driver: zio: calibrate: CS7 supports newer functions."

This reverts commit 25f66f51.

Turns out that even though Red-Hat backported "timer_setup()" on CS7, it is
not working well and corrupting the memory somewhere. Thus, we should
stick to the API provided by vanilla kernel.
parent 6af701eb
......@@ -207,17 +207,17 @@ int fd_calibrate_outputs(struct fd_dev *fd)
* fd_update_calibration
* Called from a timer any few seconds. It updates the Delay line tap
* according to the measured temperature.
* As per tovalds/linux, the kernel version below 4.14 support
* fd_update_calibration(unsigned long arg)
* and not the other one. But even though CS7 is 3.10 based, patches might
* have been backported, and it supports the other one.
* according to the measured temperature
void fd_update_calibration(unsigned long arg)
struct fd_dev *fd = (void *)arg;
void fd_update_calibration(struct timer_list *arg)
struct fd_dev *fd = from_timer(fd, arg, temp_timer);
int ch, fitted, new;
fd_read_temp(fd, 0 /* not verbose */);
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