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  • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    fmc-fakedev: provide a validate method · d2943cb4
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    fmc-fakedev fakes removal and re-plugging when the eepromo is overwritten.
    Thus, fmc-write-eeprom would match again and again, rewriting every two
    seconds, forever.
    By offsering ops->validate, the carrier prevents further matches.
    To only write the first time, you can use the following, since
    identifiers in fakedev start from 0xf001 ("fool").
       insmod fmc-write-eeprom busid=0xf001
    The Identifier is increased avery time, so a 4-slot instance will
    have identifiers 0xf001-0xf004 the first time and 0xf005-0xf008 the
    next one.
    This merhod allows fmc-write-eeprom to not match the busid
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlessandro Rubini <>