Commit c6e7ec5e authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

fmc_adc_demo: Modify fmc_adc_demo GUI to use the common classes.

parent 4f7c74c2
#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
# Copyright CERN, 2011
# Author: Matthieu Cattin <>
# Licence: GPL v2 or later.
# Website:
# Last modifications: 10/5/2012
# Import system modules
import sys
import rr
import time
import os
import math
# Add common modules and libraries location to path
# Import common modules
from ptsexcept import *
import rr
# Import specific modules
from fmc_adc_spec import *
from fmc_adc import *
from numpy import *
from pylab import *
......@@ -17,8 +36,8 @@ import PyQt4.uic
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
import fmc_adc
import spec_fmc_adc
#import fmc_adc
#import spec_fmc_adc
from PAGE.Agilent33250A import *
from PAGE.SineWaveform import *
......@@ -64,15 +83,15 @@ def acq_plot():
carrier_addr = ((trig_pos-pre_trig+1)<<3)
print('trig_pos:%.8X (%d) pre_trig:%.8X (%d)')%(trig_pos, trig_pos, pre_trig, pre_trig)
print('carrier addr: %.8X (%d)')%(carrier_addr, carrier_addr)
channels_data = spec_fmc.get_data(carrier_addr, (NB_POINTS*8))
channels_data = carrier.get_data(carrier_addr, (NB_POINTS*8))
print('Multi-shot acq')
channels_data = spec_fmc.get_data(0, (NB_POINTS*8))
channels_data = carrier.get_data(0, (NB_POINTS*8))
channels_data = [hex2signed(item) for item in channels_data]
channels_data = [digital2volt(item,ADC_FS,ADC_NBITS) for item in channels_data]
#channels_data = spec_fmc.get_data(0, (NB_POINTS*8))
#channels_data = carrier.get_data(0, (NB_POINTS*8))
print('Nb points:%d')%NB_POINTS
print('channels data length:%d')%len(channels_data)
sample = arange(len(channels_data)/4)
......@@ -106,7 +125,7 @@ def update_chan_cfg(channel):
def update_trig_cfg():
print('Update trigger configuration')
int_thres = m.int_trig_thres.value()
int_sel = m.int_trig_sel.currentIndex()
int_sel = m.int_trig_sel.currentIndex() + 1
hw_sel = m.hw_trig_sel.currentIndex()
hw_pol = m.hw_trig_pol.currentIndex()
hw_en = bool(m.hw_trig_en.checkState())
......@@ -115,7 +134,7 @@ def update_trig_cfg():
print('int_thres:%d int_sel:%d hw_sel:%d hw_pol:%d hw_en:%d sw_en:%d delay:%d')%(int_thres,int_sel,hw_sel,hw_pol,hw_en,sw_en,delay)
fmc.set_trig_config(hw_sel, hw_pol, hw_en, sw_en, int_sel, int_thres, delay)
def update_acq_cfg():
print('Update acquisition configuration')
......@@ -147,7 +166,7 @@ def on_stop_acq():
def on_acq_data():
print('ACQ DATA')
def on_reset_offset():
......@@ -167,16 +186,16 @@ def poll_timer_cb():
temp = "%3.3f"%spec_fmc.get_temp()
temp = "%3.3f"%carrier.get_temp()
temp += u'\u00B0'+'C'
temp = "%3.3f"%fmc.get_temp()
temp += u'\u00B0'+'C'
trig_tag = spec_fmc.get_utc_trig_tag()
start_tag = spec_fmc.get_utc_start_tag()
stop_tag = spec_fmc.get_utc_stop_tag()
end_tag = spec_fmc.get_utc_end_tag()
trig_tag = carrier.get_utc_trig_tag()
start_tag = carrier.get_utc_start_tag()
stop_tag = carrier.get_utc_stop_tag()
end_tag = carrier.get_utc_end_tag()
trig_tag_s = "%09d.%010d s"%(trig_tag[2],(trig_tag[3]*8))
start_tag_s = "%09d.%010d s"%(start_tag[2],(start_tag[3]*8))
stop_tag_s = "%09d.%010d s"%(stop_tag[2],(stop_tag[3]*8))
......@@ -197,7 +216,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load firmware to FPGA
default_directory = '.'
path_fpga_loader = '../../../gnurabbit/user/fpga_loader';
path_firmware = '../firmwares/spec_fmcadc100m14b4cha.bin';
path_firmware = '../firmwares/spec_fmcadc100m14b4cha_test.bin';
firmware_loader = os.path.join(default_directory, path_fpga_loader)
bitstream = os.path.join(default_directory, path_firmware)
print firmware_loader + ' ' + bitstream
......@@ -206,22 +225,22 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Objects declaration
spec = rr.Gennum() # bind to the SPEC board
fmc = fmc_adc.CFmcAdc100Ms(spec)
fmc = CFmcAdc100m(spec)
gen = Agilent33250A(device=USB_DEVICE, bauds=RS232_BAUD)
sine = SineWaveform()
spec_fmc = spec_fmc_adc.CSpecFmcAdc100Ms(spec)
carrier = CFmcAdc100mSpec(spec, 0x1)
# Enable DMA interrupts (finished, error)
# Set UTC
current_time = time.time()
utc_seconds = int(current_time)
#print('UTC core seconds counter: %d')%spec_fmc.get_utc_second_cnt()
#print('UTC core seconds counter: %d')%carrier.get_utc_second_cnt()
utc_coarse = int((current_time - utc_seconds)/8E-9)
#print('UTC core coarse counter: %d')%spec_fmc.get_utc_coarse_cnt()
#print('UTC core coarse counter: %d')%carrier.get_utc_coarse_cnt()
# Variables from GUI
ch_range = [m.ch1_range, m.ch2_range, m.ch3_range, m.ch4_range]
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