tps: do not use .message with Exceptions

Use str() or repr() instead
parent 5257fe54
......@@ -179,11 +179,11 @@ class Suite(object):
log.write(' cannot continue, aborting test suite')
except TpsError, e:
print 'test [%s]: error, continuing: [%s]' % (shortname, e.message)
log.write(' error in test {0}, exception [{1}]\n'.format(shortname, e.message))
print 'test [%s]: error, continuing: [%s]' % (shortname, e)
log.write(' error in test {0}, exception [{1}]\n'.format(shortname, e))
except TpsUser, e:
print 'test [%s]: user error, user intervention required: [%s]' % (shortname, e.message)
log.write(' error in test {0}, exception [{1}]\n'.format(shortname, e.message))
print 'test [%s]: user error, user intervention required: [%s]' % (shortname, e)
log.write(' error in test {0}, exception [{1}]\n'.format(shortname, e))
while True:
ans = raw_input('Abort or Continue? (A/C) ')
ans = ans.lower()
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