Commit 11acbf4d authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

test04: Uses common modules, added exception handling.

parent 2b12c75a
......@@ -4,16 +4,26 @@
# Author: Matthieu Cattin <>
# Licence: GPL v2 or later.
# Website:
# Last modifications: 29/5/2012
# Import system modules
import sys
import rr
import time
import os
# Add common modules and libraries location to path
# Import common modules
from ptsexcept import *
import rr
# Import specific modules
from fmc_adc_spec import *
from fmc_adc import *
import fmc_adc
test04: Test Si570 programmable oscillator
......@@ -21,33 +31,38 @@ test04: Test Si570 programmable oscillator
Note: Requires to run first to load the firmware!
SI570_ADDR = 0x55
SI570_XTAL_FREQ_MIN = 114.056
SI570_XTAL_FREQ_MAX = 114.514
SI570_FOUT = 100.000
SI570_FOUT_TOL = 1.0
SI570_RFREQ = 42
SI570_N1 = 7
SI570_HS_DIV = 2
def main (default_directory='.'):
path_fpga_loader = '../../../gnurabbit/user/fpga_loader';
path_firmware = '../firmwares/spec_fmcadc100m14b4cha.bin';
firmware_loader = os.path.join(default_directory, path_fpga_loader)
bitstream = os.path.join(default_directory, path_firmware)
print firmware_loader + ' ' + bitstream
os.system( firmware_loader + ' ' + bitstream )
# Objects declaration
spec = rr.Gennum() # bind to the SPEC board
fmc = fmc_adc.CFmcAdc100Ms(spec)
# Constants declaration
SI570_ADDR = 0x55
SI570_XTAL_FREQ_MIN = 114.056
SI570_XTAL_FREQ_MAX = 114.514
SI570_FOUT = 100.000
SI570_FOUT_TOL = 1.0
start_test_time = time.time()
print "================================================================================"
print "Test%02d start\n" % TEST_NB
# SPEC object declaration
print "Loading hardware access library and opening device.\n"
spec = rr.Gennum()
# Carrier object declaration (SPEC board specific part)
# Used to check that the firmware is loaded.
carrier = CFmcAdc100mSpec(spec, EXPECTED_BITSTREAM_TYPE)
except FmcAdc100mSpecOperationError as e:
raise PtsCritical("Carrier init failed, test stopped: %s" % e)
# Mezzanine object declaration (FmcAdc100m14b4cha board specific part)
fmc = CFmcAdc100m(spec)
except FmcAdc100mOperationError as e:
raise PtsCritical("Mezzanine init failed, test stopped: %s" % e)
# Scan i2c bus
periph_addr = fmc.i2c_scan()
......@@ -55,42 +70,53 @@ def main (default_directory='.'):
# Check that the EEPROM is detected on the I2C bus
if(0 == len(periph_addr)):
raise PtsError('No peripheral detected on I2C bus')
if(1 != len(periph_addr)):
raise PtsError('Signal integrity problem detected on I2C bus, %d devices detected instead of 1'%(len(periph_addr)))
if(1 != len(periph_addr)):
raise PtsError('Signal integrity problem detected on I2C bus, %d devices detected instead of 1'%(len(periph_addr)))
if(SI570_ADDR != periph_addr[0]):
raise PtsError('Wrong device mounted on I2C bus, address is:0x%.2X expected:0x%.2X'%(periph_addr[0],SI570_ADDR))
# Get Si570 configuration
rfreq, n1, hs_div = fmc.get_si570_config()
# Pritn Si570 configuration
print ""
# Check that HS_DIV is different from 0
# If HS_DIV register value is "100" or "110" (not used) get_si570_config returns 0
if (hs_div == 0):
raise PtsError('Si570 invalid HS_DIV value')
# Calculate min and max output frequency based on the min and max xtal frequency
# See
f_out_min = (SI570_XTAL_FREQ_MIN * rfreq) / (float(n1) * float(hs_div))
f_out_max = (SI570_XTAL_FREQ_MAX * rfreq) / (float(n1) * float(hs_div))
print "FOUT_MIN : %3.3f" % f_out_min
print "FOUT_MAX : %3.3f" % f_out_max
# Check that output frequency is within the limits
f_out_limit_min = SI570_FOUT - SI570_FOUT_TOL
f_out_limit_max = SI570_FOUT + SI570_FOUT_TOL
print "FOUT_LIMIT_MIN : %3.3f" % f_out_limit_min
print "FOUT_LIMIT_MAX : %3.3f" % f_out_limit_max
print "%3.3f < %3.3f < %3.3f < %3.3f < %3.3f ? => " % (f_out_limit_min, f_out_min, SI570_FOUT, f_out_max, f_out_limit_max),
if (f_out_limit_min < f_out_min) and (f_out_min < SI570_FOUT) and (SI570_FOUT < f_out_max) and (f_out_max < f_out_limit_max):
print "OK"
print "Si570 frequency output is within tolerance"
if(SI570_ADDR != periph_addr[0]):
raise PtsError('Wrong device mounted on I2C bus, address is:0x%.2X expected:0x%.2X'%(periph_addr[0],SI570_ADDR))
# Get Si570 configuration
rfreq, n1, hs_div = fmc.get_si570_config()
print("\nPrint Si570 configuration")
print("RFREQ : %3.28f") % rfreq
print("N1 : %d") % n1
print("HS_DIV : %d") % hs_div
# Check that HS_DIV is different from 0
# If HS_DIV register value is "100" or "110" (not used) get_si570_config returns 0
if (hs_div == 0):
raise PtsError('Si570 invalid HS_DIV value')
# Calculate min and max output frequency based on the min and max xtal frequency
# See
f_out_min = (SI570_XTAL_FREQ_MIN * rfreq) / (float(n1) * float(hs_div))
f_out_max = (SI570_XTAL_FREQ_MAX * rfreq) / (float(n1) * float(hs_div))
print("FOUT_MIN : %3.3f") % f_out_min
print("FOUT_MAX : %3.3f") % f_out_max
# Check that output frequency is within the limits
f_out_limit_min = SI570_FOUT - SI570_FOUT_TOL
f_out_limit_max = SI570_FOUT + SI570_FOUT_TOL
print("FOUT_LIMIT_MIN : %3.3f") % f_out_limit_min
print("FOUT_LIMIT_MAX : %3.3f") % f_out_limit_max
if (f_out_limit_min < f_out_min) and (f_out_min < SI570_FOUT) and (SI570_FOUT < f_out_max) and (f_out_max < f_out_limit_max):
print("Si570 frequency output is within tolerance")
raise PtsError('Si570 frequency output is outside of the tolerance')
print "FAILED"
raise PtsError('Si570 frequency output is outside of the tolerance')
except FmcAdc100mOperationError as e:
raise PtsError("Test failed: %s" % e)
print ""
print "==> End of test%02d" % TEST_NB
print "================================================================================"
end_test_time = time.time()
print "Test%02d elapsed time: %.2f seconds\n" % (TEST_NB, end_test_time-start_test_time)
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