Commit abb2cabe authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

drv: add temperature to the calibration timer

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent f9e6eb04
......@@ -62,30 +62,30 @@ static void fa_calib_offset_set(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan, int val)
val & 0xFFFF /* prevent warning */);
static int fa_calib_adc_offset_fix(struct fa_dev *fa, int range, int offset)
static int fa_calib_adc_offset_fix(struct fa_dev *fa, int range, int offset,
uint32_t temperature)
return offset;
static int fa_calib_adc_gain_fix(struct fa_dev *fa, int range, int gain)
static int fa_calib_adc_gain_fix(struct fa_dev *fa, int range, int gain,
uint32_t temperature)
return gain;
static void fa_calib_adc_config_chan(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan)
static void fa_calib_adc_config_chan(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan,
uint32_t temperature)
int range = fa->range[chan];
int offset = fa->calib.adc[range].offset[chan];
int gain = fa->calib.adc[range].gain[chan];
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: orig: {range: %d, gain: 0x%x, offset: 0x%x}\n",
__func__, range, gain, offset);
offset = fa_calib_adc_offset_fix(fa, range, offset, temperature);
gain = fa_calib_adc_gain_fix(fa, range, gain, temperature);
offset = fa_calib_adc_offset_fix(fa, range, offset);
gain = fa_calib_adc_gain_fix(fa, range, gain);
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: fixed: {range: %d, gain: 0x%x, offset: 0x%x}\n",
__func__, range, gain, offset);
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: {chan: %d, range: %d, gain: 0x%x, offset: 0x%x}\n",
__func__, chan, range, gain, offset);
fa_calib_gain_set(fa, chan, gain);
fa_calib_offset_set(fa, chan, offset);
......@@ -94,9 +94,12 @@ static void fa_calib_adc_config_chan(struct fa_dev *fa, unsigned int chan)
int fa_calib_adc_config(struct fa_dev *fa)
int i;
uint32_t temperature;
temperature = fa_temperature_read(fa);
dev_dbg(&fa->pdev->dev, "%s: {temperature: %d}\n", __func__, temperature);
for (i = 0; i < FA100M14B4C_NCHAN; ++i)
fa_calib_adc_config_chan(fa, i);
fa_calib_adc_config_chan(fa, i, temperature);
return fa_calib_apply(fa);
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