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  • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
    lib: turn open/close to new prototypes · 2f0db9b6
    Alessandro Rubini authored
    This commit makes the library consistent with the official design as
    far as open and close are concerned. But buffer selection is still missing.
    - open_by_lun() is not there in the low-level implementation, because
    the function is expected to be library only, and is expected to fall
    back to open, after finding the hardware-specific dev_if from the
    administratively-set lun value.
    - redundant error checking has been removed. For example, NULL names
    are as bad as wild-pointer names, so the program should crash, not
    receive an error and manage it. I used this policy in several places.
    Other changes brought in by this:
    - the board list is now static in boards.c
    I'll still move something, at the end: open and close are zio-generic, not
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlessandro Rubini <>