Commit ec9f554a authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

doc: Re-arrange doc folder structure, generate tex doc for registers (using wbgen2), use texinfo.

parent 8e0c1b39
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d="M 198.38055,377.79433 L 200.68304,375.20508 C 188.3047,372.03952 180.53416,367.72129 171.89772,359.08486 L 166.42966,357.64826 C 175.63962,368.29762 184.27606,373.76568 198.38055,377.79433 z M 220.8291,381.82298 C 243.57005,381.82298 261.98995,373.76568 275.51812,357.93502 L 274.36547,353.90637 C 261.41362,370.02379 243.28048,378.37066 220.8291,378.37066 C 215.65061,378.37066 213.34531,378.0839 208.74315,377.21801 L 205.57477,380.09682 C 211.3324,381.24666 214.78753,381.82298 220.8291,381.82298 z M 189.16778,216.32216 C 150.59899,216.32216 119.51401,247.69673 119.51401,286.2655 C 119.51401,314.18493 135.0579,340.08863 159.5222,349.30139 L 165.56658,351.60107 C 173.05318,354.47988 180.82091,355.91929 189.16778,355.91929 C 227.73938,355.91929 258.82438,324.83429 258.82438,286.2655 C 258.82438,268.70868 253.35632,254.31462 242.70415,242.22585 L 250.76427,245.96775 C 256.80865,254.31462 259.68746,261.80122 261.98995,272.16101 L 278.97044,345.84907 L 280.12309,351.89064 L 295.09067,416.94225 L 291.05921,416.94225 L 278.10736,358.22177 L 276.09445,351.60107 L 262.85303,294.03605 C 261.12687,312.17201 251.62735,327.42354 240.1149,340.08863 L 205.86434,376.92844 L 203.27228,379.81006 L 168.73215,417.2262 L 164.41674,417.2262 L 198.6673,380.09682 L 202.69877,376.06816 L 226.8763,349.8749 C 215.65061,356.49561 202.98553,360.23751 189.45735,360.23751 C 183.12621,360.23751 178.808,359.95075 173.05318,358.22177 L 163.84042,355.34296 C 148.29651,350.45123 136.78407,340.66495 128.14763,327.71311 L 140.23921,372.03952 L 135.92099,372.03952 L 118.93768,308.71687 C 116.92476,301.51984 115.48535,294.03605 115.48535,286.2655 C 115.48535,245.681 148.29651,212.58026 188.88103,212.2935 L 189.16778,212.2935 C 189.16778,212.2935 189.16778,212.2935 189.45735,212.2935 L 322.14421,212.2935 L 322.14421,216.32216 L 213.34531,216.32216 C 226.01041,220.64037 234.93361,226.68476 243.57005,236.75779 L 235.50993,234.4553 C 223.1344,222.65611 207.87726,216.32216 189.16778,216.32216 z M 220.8291,233.87898 C 196.36482,233.87898 175.35285,245.39423 162.11425,262.95106 L 164.41674,265.54312 C 177.36859,248.27305 197.80422,237.33411 220.8291,237.33411 C 228.02614,237.33411 232.91788,237.62088 239.53858,239.92618 L 249.61442,243.66807 C 274.65504,252.87802 291.34878,279.35523 291.34878,307.85379 C 291.34878,322.53181 288.18321,333.47073 280.69942,344.98318 L 281.56251,349.59096 C 289.04629,339.79906 292.50143,330.30516 294.22759,317.3505 L 305.45327,230.71622 L 302.28489,230.71622 L 293.93802,296.62811 C 289.62261,269.28219 273.21563,247.1204 247.59869,239.34985 L 234.35728,235.3212 C 229.17598,233.87898 226.58673,233.87898 220.8291,233.87898 z M 150.31224,307.85379 C 150.31224,306.9879 150.31224,306.12482 150.31224,305.26174 L 147.14667,305.26174 C 147.14667,306.12482 146.8571,306.9879 146.8571,307.85379 C 146.8571,323.10813 150.59899,335.19689 158.65911,346.99609 L 164.12717,349.59096 C 154.63046,337.49939 150.31224,324.54472 150.31224,307.85379 z M 142.25494,300.08043 C 131.60277,300.08043 124.98487,294.03605 124.98487,284.53934 C 124.98487,274.75307 133.04217,268.99544 143.40477,268.99544 C 146.8571,268.99544 150.59899,269.85853 153.76738,271.01118 C 153.47781,272.16101 153.18825,273.31366 152.9043,274.4635 L 152.61473,274.4635 C 151.75165,273.60042 148.29651,270.72161 143.11521,270.72161 C 134.19482,270.72161 129.87661,277.34231 129.87661,284.53934 C 129.87661,293.17297 135.34467,298.35427 142.82845,298.35427 C 148.29651,298.35427 152.32798,295.76222 153.18825,294.89914 L 152.9043,297.77795 C 150.02548,299.50411 145.99402,300.08043 142.25494,300.08043 z M 171.89772,282.81037 C 173.33712,282.81037 174.77654,282.52361 176.21594,282.52361 C 176.21594,282.81037 175.92919,283.38669 175.92919,283.67345 C 175.92919,283.96302 176.21594,284.53934 176.21594,284.8261 C 174.77654,284.8261 173.33712,284.53934 171.89772,284.53934 L 162.11425,284.53934 L 162.11425,297.49119 C 164.99025,297.49119 170.17437,297.49119 173.05318,297.20444 C 174.48977,297.20444 176.21594,297.20444 177.65535,296.91487 C 177.65535,297.49119 177.36859,297.77795 177.36859,298.35427 C 177.36859,298.64103 177.65535,299.21735 177.65535,299.50411 L 157.79603,299.50411 L 157.79603,269.57176 L 177.36859,269.57176 C 177.36859,270.14809 177.07902,270.43484 177.07902,271.01118 C 177.07902,271.29793 177.36859,271.87426 177.36859,272.16101 C 175.92919,272.16101 174.48977,271.87426 173.05318,271.87426 L 168.15863,271.5875 L 162.11425,271.5875 L 162.11425,282.81037 L 171.89772,282.81037 z M 194.63866,269.57176 C 202.12245,269.57176 205.57477,271.87426 205.57477,276.19247 C 205.57477,281.37096 200.39347,283.96302 195.50174,284.53934 L 205.57477,296.05179 L 207.87726,298.64103 L 208.74315,299.79368 C 207.87726,299.50411 207.01417,299.50411 206.15109,299.50411 C 204.99844,299.50411 204.13536,299.50411 203.27228,299.79368 C 202.12245,298.35427 201.25655,297.20444 200.10672,295.76222 L 194.34909,289.14432 L 190.60719,285.11285 L 186.57854,285.11285 L 186.57854,299.79368 C 186.00503,299.50411 185.13914,299.50411 184.56281,299.50411 C 183.69973,299.50411 183.12621,299.50411 182.26313,299.79368 L 182.26313,269.57176 L 194.63866,269.57176 z M 194.63866,283.09994 C 198.38055,282.52361 200.9698,280.22113 200.9698,276.76598 C 200.9698,273.88717 199.24363,271.87426 195.50174,271.29793 C 193.77558,271.01118 188.3047,271.29793 186.29179,271.29793 L 186.29179,283.38669 C 187.15487,283.38669 192.33616,283.67345 194.63866,283.09994 z M 238.38874,299.79368 C 237.81242,298.9306 236.94933,298.0647 235.79669,296.91487 L 214.78753,275.9029 L 214.20839,275.9029 L 214.20839,299.79368 C 213.92445,299.50411 213.34531,299.50411 213.05856,299.50411 C 212.48223,299.50411 211.90872,299.50411 211.61915,299.79368 L 211.61915,269.57176 L 213.34531,269.57176 L 236.66258,292.30989 L 236.94933,292.30989 L 236.94933,269.57176 C 237.52566,269.57176 237.81242,269.85853 238.38874,269.85853 C 238.96506,269.85853 239.25182,269.57176 239.82814,269.57176 L 239.82814,299.79368 L 238.38874,299.79368 z"
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# Makefile for the documentation directory
# Copyright 1994,2000,2010,2011 Alessandro Rubini <>
# There is not basenames here, all *.in are considered input
INPUT = $(wildcard *.in)
TEXI = $(
INFO = $(
HTML = $(
TXT = $(
PDF = $(
ALL = $(INFO) $(HTML) $(TXT) $(PDF)
MAKEINFO ?= makeinfo
@rm -f $@
sed -f ./infofilter $< > $@
emacs -batch --no-site-file -l fixinfo $@
chmod -w $@
%.pdf: %.texi
texi2pdf --batch $< %.texi
$(MAKEINFO) $< -o $@
%.html: %.texi
$(MAKEINFO) --html --no-split -o $@ $<
%.txt: %.texi
$(MAKEINFO) --no-headers $< > $@
.PHONY: all images check terse clean install
all: images $(ALL)
$(MAKE) terse
if [ -d images ]; then $(MAKE) -C images || exit 1; fi
gs -sDEVICE=linux -r320x200x16 $<
for n in cp fn ky pg toc tp vr aux log; do rm -f *.$$n; done
rm -f *~
clean: terse
rm -f $(ALL) $(TEXI)
# add the other unused targets, so the rule in ../Makefile works
modules install modules_install:
@regsection Memory map summary
@multitable @columnfractions .10 .15 .15 .55
@headitem Address @tab Type @tab Prefix @tab Name
@item @code{0x0} @tab
REG @tab
@code{carrier} @tab
Carrier type and PCB version
@item @code{0x4} @tab
REG @tab
@code{stat} @tab
@item @code{0x8} @tab
REG @tab
@code{ctrl} @tab
@end multitable
@regsection @code{carrier} - Carrier type and PCB version
@multitable @columnfractions .10 .10 .15 .10 .55
@headitem Bits @tab Access @tab Prefix @tab Default @tab Name
@item @code{3...0}
@tab R/O @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
PCB revision
@item @code{15...4}
@tab R/O @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
Reserved register
@item @code{31...16}
@tab R/O @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
Carrier type
@end multitable
@multitable @columnfractions 0.15 0.85
@headitem Field @tab Description
@item @code{pcb_rev} @tab Binary coded PCB layout revision.
@item @code{reserved} @tab Ignore on read, write with 0's.
@item @code{type} @tab Carrier type identifier@*1 = SPEC@*2 = SVEC@*3 = VFC@*4 = SPEXI
@end multitable
@regsection @code{stat} - Status
@multitable @columnfractions .10 .10 .15 .10 .55
@headitem Bits @tab Access @tab Prefix @tab Default @tab Name
@item @code{0}
@tab R/O @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
FMC presence
@item @code{1}
@tab R/O @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
GN4142 core P2L PLL status
@item @code{2}
@tab R/O @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
System clock PLL status
@item @code{3}
@tab R/O @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
DDR3 calibration status
@item @code{31...4}
@tab R/O @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
@end multitable
@multitable @columnfractions 0.15 0.85
@headitem Field @tab Description
@item @code{fmc_pres} @tab 0: FMC slot is populated@*1: FMC slot is not populated.
@item @code{p2l_pll_lck} @tab 0: not locked@*1: locked.
@item @code{sys_pll_lck} @tab 0: not locked@*1: locked.
@item @code{ddr3_cal_done} @tab 0: not done@*1: done.
@item @code{reserved} @tab Ignore on read, write with 0's.
@end multitable
@regsection @code{ctrl} - Control
@multitable @columnfractions .10 .10 .15 .10 .55
@headitem Bits @tab Access @tab Prefix @tab Default @tab Name
@item @code{0}
@tab R/W @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
Green LED
@item @code{1}
@tab R/W @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
@item @code{2}
@tab R/W @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
DAC clear
@item @code{31...3}
@tab R/W @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
@end multitable
@multitable @columnfractions 0.15 0.85
@headitem Field @tab Description
@item @code{led_green} @tab Front panel green LED control
@item @code{led_red} @tab Front panel red LED control
@item @code{dac_clr_n} @tab Active low clear signal for VCXO DACs
@item @code{reserved} @tab Ignore on read, write with 0's
@end multitable
;; use:
;; emacs -batch -l ./fixinfo.el <file>
;; or, better:
;; emacs -batch --no-site-file -l ./fixinfo.el <file>
(defun fixinfo (file)
(find-file-other-window file)
(message (concat "Maxing texinfo tree in " file))
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
;; loop over command line arguments
(mapcar 'fixinfo command-line-args-left)
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#! /usr/bin/sed -f
# allow "%" as a comment char, but only at the beginning of the line
s/^%/@c /
#preserve blanks and braces in @example blocks
/^@example/,/^@end example/ s/{/@{/g
/^@example/,/^@end example/ s/}/@}/g
/^@example/,/^@end example/ p
/^@example/,/^@end example/ d
/^@smallexample/,/^@end smallexample/ s/{/@{/g
/^@smallexample/,/^@end smallexample/ s/}/@}/g
/^@smallexample/,/^@end smallexample/ p
/^@smallexample/,/^@end smallexample/ d
# remove leading blanks
s/^[ ]*//
@regsection Memory map summary
@multitable @columnfractions .10 .15 .15 .55
@headitem Address @tab Type @tab Prefix @tab Name
@item @code{0x0} @tab
REG @tab
@code{multi_irq} @tab
Multiple interrupt register
@item @code{0x4} @tab
REG @tab
@code{src} @tab
Interrupt sources register
@item @code{0x8} @tab
REG @tab
@code{en_mask} @tab
Interrupt enable mask register
@end multitable
@regsection @code{multi_irq} - Multiple interrupt register
Multiple interrupts occurs before irq source is read.
Write '1' to clear a bit.
Bit 0: DMA done.
Bit 1: DMA error.
Bit 2: Trigger.
Bit 3: Acquisition end.
@multitable @columnfractions .10 .10 .15 .10 .55
@headitem Bits @tab Access @tab Prefix @tab Default @tab Name
@item @code{31...0}
@tab R/W @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
Multiple interrupt
@end multitable
@multitable @columnfractions 0.15 0.85
@headitem Field @tab Description
@end multitable
@regsection @code{src} - Interrupt sources register
Indicates the interrupt source.
Write '1' to clear a bit.
Bit 0: DMA done.
Bit 1: DMA error.
Bit 2: Trigger.
Bit 3: Acquisition end.
@multitable @columnfractions .10 .10 .15 .10 .55
@headitem Bits @tab Access @tab Prefix @tab Default @tab Name
@item @code{31...0}
@tab R/W @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
Interrupt sources
@end multitable
@multitable @columnfractions 0.15 0.85
@headitem Field @tab Description
@end multitable
@regsection @code{en_mask} - Interrupt enable mask register
Bit mask to independently enable interrupt sources.
Bit 0: DMA done.
Bit 1: DMA error.
Bit 2: Trigger.
Bit 3: Acquisition end.
@multitable @columnfractions .10 .10 .15 .10 .55
@headitem Bits @tab Access @tab Prefix @tab Default @tab Name
@item @code{31...0}
@tab R/W @tab
@tab @code{X} @tab
Interrupt enable mask
@end multitable
@multitable @columnfractions 0.15 0.85
@headitem Field @tab Description
@end multitable
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