Commit 8576d840 authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana

Trying to print stuff from usbcdc LineCodingReceived fcn

parent d8722d71
......@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@ int main(void)
GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortE, 11, gpioModePushPull, 0);;
GPIO_PinModeSet(gpioPortE, 12, gpioModePushPull, 1);;
......@@ -279,31 +279,34 @@ static int UsbDataTransmitted(USB_Status_TypeDef status,
(void) xferred; /* Unused parameter */
(void) remaining; /* Unused parameter */
char tmp[7] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '\n'};
if (status == USB_STATUS_OK)
if (!dmaRxActive)
/* dmaRxActive = false means that a new UART Rx DMA can be started. */
USBD_Write(EP_DATA_IN, (void*) uartRxBuffer[ uartRxIndex ^ 1],
uartRxCount, UsbDataTransmitted);
LastUsbTxCnt = uartRxCount;
dmaRxActive = true;
dmaRxCompleted = true;
DMA_ActivateBasic(1, true, false,
(void *) uartRxBuffer[ uartRxIndex ],
(void *) &(LEUART0->RXDATA),
uartRxCount = 0;
USBTIMER_Start(0, RX_TIMEOUT, UartRxTimeout);
/* The UART receive DMA callback function will start a new DMA. */
usbTxActive = false;
USBD_Write(0, (void*) tmp, 7, UsbDataTransmitted);
// if (!dmaRxActive)
// {
// /* dmaRxActive = false means that a new UART Rx DMA can be started. */
// USBD_Write(EP_DATA_IN, (void*) uartRxBuffer[ uartRxIndex ^ 1],
// uartRxCount, UsbDataTransmitted);
// LastUsbTxCnt = uartRxCount;
// dmaRxActive = true;
// dmaRxCompleted = true;
// DMA_ActivateBasic(1, true, false,
// (void *) uartRxBuffer[ uartRxIndex ],
// (void *) &(LEUART0->RXDATA),
// USB_TX_BUF_SIZ - 1);
// uartRxCount = 0;
// USBTIMER_Start(0, RX_TIMEOUT, UartRxTimeout);
// }
// else
// {
// /* The UART receive DMA callback function will start a new DMA. */
// usbTxActive = false;
// }
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