Commit 797d2335 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

drivers/lsm303c: allow on-the-fly calibration

parent 7ffb3344
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include <efm32gg330f1024.h>
#include "lsm303c.h"
static int iron_x, iron_y, iron_z;
extern volatile uint32_t msTicks;
void Delay(uint32_t dlyTicks);
......@@ -130,6 +132,11 @@ int lsm303_init()
lsm303_fullscale(DEV_MAG, LSM303_16Ga);
lsm303_selftest(DEV_MAG, 0, 0);
/*load default hard iron calibration values*/
iron_x = LSM303_IRON_X;
iron_y = LSM303_IRON_Y;
iron_z = LSM303_IRON_Z;
return LSM303_SUCCESS;
......@@ -359,11 +366,15 @@ int lsm303_fifo_mode(int dev, LSM303_FMODE_t mode, int en)
return LSM303_SUCCESS;
static void lsm303_iron_calib(lsm303_smpl *smpl)
static void lsm303_iron_corr(lsm303_smpl *smpl)
smpl->x -= LSM303_IRON_X;
smpl->y -= LSM303_IRON_Y;
smpl->z -= LSM303_IRON_Z;
smpl->x -= iron_x;
smpl->y -= iron_y;
smpl->z -= iron_z;
//smpl->x = (int)( (float)smpl->x*siron_x );
//smpl->y = (int)( (float)smpl->y*siron_y );
//smpl->z = (int)( (float)smpl->z*siron_z );
int lsm303_get_sample(int dev, lsm303_smpl *smpl)
......@@ -385,32 +396,23 @@ int lsm303_get_sample(int dev, lsm303_smpl *smpl)
return LSM303_ERROR;
smpl->z = (int16_t) ((val_h << 8) | val_l);
return LSM303_SUCCESS;
int lsm303_mag_calibrate(lsm303_smpl *max, lsm303_smpl *min)
lsm303_smpl lsm303_calib_iron(lsm303_smpl *max, lsm303_smpl *min)
int i = 1000;
lsm303_smpl val;
max->x = -0x7fff;
max->y = -0x7fff;
max->z = -0x7fff;
min->x = 0x7fff;
min->y = 0x7fff;
min->z = 0x7fff;
while(i--) {
lsm303_get_sample(DEV_MAG, &val);
if(val.x > max->x) max->x = val.x;
if(val.x < min->x) min->x = val.x;
if(val.y > max->y) max->y = val.y;
if(val.y < min->y) min->y = val.y;
if(val.z > max->z) max->z = val.z;
if(val.z < min->z) min->z = val.z;
lsm303_smpl ret;
iron_x = (min->x + max->x)/2;
iron_y = (min->y + max->y)/2;
iron_z = (min->z + max->z)/2;
ret.x = iron_x;
ret.y = iron_y;
ret.z = iron_z;
return ret;
#define LCD_W 100
......@@ -20,9 +20,12 @@
#define DEV_ACC 0
#define DEV_MAG 1
#define LSM303_IRON_X 403
#define LSM303_IRON_Y 431
#define LSM303_IRON_Z 588
#define LSM303_IRON_X 415
#define LSM303_IRON_Y 417
#define LSM303_IRON_Z 491
#define LSM303_SIRON_X 0.98
#define LSM303_SIRON_Y 0.99
#define LSM303_SIRON_Z 1.02
/* Accelerometer & Magnetometer registers */
//#define LSM303_ACC_TEMP_L 0x0B
......@@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ int lsm303_serialmode(int dev, LSM303_SMODE_t mode);
int lsm303_enableaxis(int dev, int mask);
int lsm303_fifo_mode(int dev, LSM303_FMODE_t mode, int en);
int lsm303_get_sample(int dev, lsm303_smpl *smpl);
int lsm303_mag_calibrate(lsm303_smpl *max, lsm303_smpl *min);
lsm303_smpl lsm303_calib_iron(lsm303_smpl *max, lsm303_smpl *min);
int compass_xy(lsm303_smpl *max, lsm303_smpl *min, int *x, int *y);
int spi_read(uint8_t dev, uint8_t adr, uint8_t *dat);
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