Commit b53067e9 authored by A. Hahn's avatar A. Hahn


parent 05a1d7f6
dnl Set these variables before each release: dnl Set these variables before each release:
m4_define(MAJOR,2) dnl Increment if removed/changed public symbols since previous release m4_define(MAJOR,2) dnl Increment if removed/changed public symbols since previous release
m4_define(MINOR,1) dnl Increment if added public symbols; reset to 0 if MAJOR changed m4_define(MINOR,1) dnl Increment if added public symbols; reset to 0 if MAJOR changed
m4_define(REVISION,2) dnl Increment on each release; reset to 0 if MAJOR/MINOR changed m4_define(REVISION,3) dnl Increment on each release; reset to 0 if MAJOR/MINOR changed
m4_define(SONAME,5) dnl Whenever MAJOR is incremented, add MINOR+1 to this variable m4_define(SONAME,5) dnl Whenever MAJOR is incremented, add MINOR+1 to this variable
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