Commit f9193f25 authored by Milosz Malczak's avatar Milosz Malczak

test: added a script for measuring the precision of calibration

parent 7d304eb5
......@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ class ServerExposeTest():
def register_ADC(self, unique_ADC_name, number_of_channels):
self.return_queue.put((unique_ADC_name, number_of_channels))
def update_data_precision(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = args[0]
def update_data_plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = args[0]
chan0 = data[0]
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from general.zmq_rpc import RPC_Error
from general.addresses import server_expose_to_user_port
import timeout_decorator
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from server import ADC_configs
......@@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ class OscilloscopeMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
if update_data_type == 'time_measurements' or\
update_data_type == 'frequency_measurements':
update_data_type == 'frequency_measurements' or\
update_data_type == 'precision':
self.results = open("results.txt", "a")
......@@ -49,7 +51,8 @@ class OscilloscopeMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
if update_data_type == 'time_measurements' or\
update_data_type == 'frequency_measurements':
update_data_type == 'frequency_measurements' or\
update_data_type == 'precision':
......@@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ class OscilloscopeMethods(unittest.TestCase):
self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC('run_acquisition', True, self.GUI_name)
[initial_number, initial_time] = self.return_queue.get()
while True:
[number, time] = self.return_queue.get()
time_diff = time - initial_time
......@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ class OscilloscopeMethods(unittest.TestCase):
number_per_sec = number_diff / time_diff
self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC('run_acquisition', False, self.GUI_name)
return number_per_sec
@unittest.skipUnless(update_data_type == 'frequency_measurements',
"Only for frequency measurements")
def test_acquisition_frequency(self):
......@@ -323,3 +326,89 @@ class OscilloscopeMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def test_unregister_ADC(self):
self.assertEqual("abc", "abc")
def channel_zero_cross(self, channel_samples):
chan = channel_samples # to make it shorter
"""Samples are counted from 0 to (pre+post-1) """
pos_sam = 0 # first positive sample
for i in range(len(chan)):
if chan[i] > 0:
pos_sam = i
#self.results.write("Positive sample idx: {} \n".format(pos_sam))
x = chan[pos_sam] / (chan[pos_sam] - chan[pos_sam - 1]) * 10
"""Distance from zero crossing to the first positive sample in ns"""
#self.results.write("x: {} \n".format(x))
zc = pos_sam * 10 - x
"""Zero crossing in ns form the beginning of the array"""
#self.results.write("zc: {} \n".format(zc))
return zc
def measure_zero_cross_distance(self):
self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC('single_acquisition', self.GUI_name)
res = self.return_queue.get(timeout=0.1 )
return None
chan_1 = res[0]
chan_2 = res[1]
#self.results.write(str(chan_1) + '\n')
#self.results.write(str(chan_2) + '\n')
zc_1 = self.channel_zero_cross(chan_1)
zc_2 = self.channel_zero_cross(chan_2)
dist = zc_2 - zc_1
#self.results.write("dist: {} \n".format(dist))
return dist
# @timeout_decorator.timeout(5)
def test_precision(self):
number_of_acq = 10000
self.results.write("Internal trigger on channel 3\n"
"Sampled signal: 100kHz sine wave Channel 3(0-3)\n"
"number of presamples = 2\n"
"number of postsamples = 2\n"
"number of acquisitions = {}\n\n".format(
ADC_idx = ADC_addr + "_" + str(self.ADCs['ADC1'][0])
unique_ADC_name_1 = "ADC" + "_" + ADC_idx + "._http._tcp.local."
ADC_idx = ADC_addr + "_" + str(self.ADCs['ADC2'][0])
unique_ADC_name_2 = "ADC" + "_" + ADC_idx + "._http._tcp.local."
ADC_channel = 3
oscilloscope_channel = 0
self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC('add_channel', oscilloscope_channel,
unique_ADC_name_1, ADC_channel, self.GUI_name)
oscilloscope_channel = 1
self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC('add_channel', oscilloscope_channel,
unique_ADC_name_2, ADC_channel, self.GUI_name)
self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC('set_pre_post_samples', 5, 5, self.GUI_name)
ADC_trigger_idx = 3
send_RPC = self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC
self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC('add_trigger', 'internal', unique_ADC_name_2,
ADC_trigger_idx, self.GUI_name)
self.zmq_rpc.send_RPC('set_ADC_parameter', 'internal_trigger_enable',
1, unique_ADC_name_2, ADC_trigger_idx)
distances = []
for i in range(number_of_acq):
dist = self.measure_zero_cross_distance()
if dist is not None:
#histogram = np.histogram(distances, bins=30)
plt.hist(distances, bins=100)
#self.results.write("histogram: {} \n".format(histogram))
......@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ server_addr = ''
update_data_types = {1: 'plot',
2: 'time_measurements',
3: 'frequency_measurements'}
update_data_select = 2
3: 'frequency_measurements',
4: 'precision'}
update_data_select = 4
update_data_type = update_data_types[update_data_select]
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