Commit 7e909d6a authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek

main/i2c: Use magic value to enable/disable PEC

Signed-off-by: 's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 835d20b6
Pipeline #3844 passed with stage
in 1 minute and 32 seconds
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ typedef void(*fp_t)(void);
/* Defines of Magic numbers */
#define UC_RESET_MAGIC 0x5A
#define PEC_ON_MAGIC 0x37
#define PEC_OFF_MAGIC 0x0F
// QUERY command returned data format
......@@ -676,8 +676,30 @@ USE_PEC
| Data length: **1**
The SMBus specification indicates that a device's PEC support could be
enabled or disabled at will. Using this command with a zero byte
disables PEC; any non-zero value enables it. The command itself is
enabled or disabled at will.
The read gives the information whether the PEC is enabled.
| Value | Meaning |
| 0x00 | PEC disabled |
| 0x01 | PEC enabled |
To change the state of the PEC, the proper magic value has to be written to
this register. All other values are silently ignored.
| Value | Meaning |
| 0x0F | Disable PEC |
| 0x37 | Enable PEC |
The command itself is
used without a PEC byte appended, no matter whether the function is
enabled or not.
......@@ -360,7 +360,10 @@ void __xMR get_pec(void)
void __xMR set_pec(void)
use_pec = !!use_pec_tmp;
if (use_pec_tmp == PEC_ON_MAGIC)
use_pec = 1;
if (use_pec_tmp == PEC_OFF_MAGIC)
use_pec = 0;
void read_status_b(void)
......@@ -18,11 +18,16 @@ MONIMOD_UPTIME_ADDR = 0xd7
class monimod:
cmd_ids = {
"PAGE" : 0x00,
......@@ -134,7 +139,11 @@ class monimod:
# the linux driver.
if self.bus.pec:
self.bus.pec = False
self.pmbus_write_byte_cmd(self.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"], pec_val)
if pec_val:
pec_magic = self.PEC_ON_MAGIC
pec_magic = self.PEC_OFF_MAGIC
self.pmbus_write_byte_cmd(self.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"], pec_magic)
# Turn on PEC in Linux i2c driver if PEC was enabled in Monimod
if pec_val:
self.bus.pec = True
......@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class TestFwMainRegValues(object):
assert data_new_read != data_old
assert data_old_read == data_old
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmds", ["USE_PEC", "TC_ONOFF",])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cmds", ["TC_ONOFF",])
def test_on_off(self, monimod_bus, use_pec, cmds):
'''Check functionality to off then on by the write to the register.
A the end restore the old value'''
......@@ -300,13 +300,10 @@ class TestFwMainRegValues(object):
# For PEC testing disable PEC in the Linux i2c driver;
# Setting PEC in Monimod is possible only with PEC disabled in
# the driver.
if cmds == "USE_PEC" and PEC_ON == pec_map[use_pec]:
monimod_bus.bus.pec = False
old_val = monimod_bus.pmbus_read_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids[cmds])
# set to off
monimod_bus.pmbus_write_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids[cmds], off_val)
# let the driver to not use PEC
off_val_read = monimod_bus.pmbus_read_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids[cmds])
assert off_val == off_val_read
......@@ -318,11 +315,44 @@ class TestFwMainRegValues(object):
# restore and verify the old value
monimod_bus.pmbus_write_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids[cmds], old_val)
old_val_read = monimod_bus.pmbus_read_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids[cmds])
assert old_val == old_val_read
def test_on_off_pec(self, monimod_bus, use_pec):
'''Check functionality to off then on by the write to the register.
A the end restore the old value'''
off_val = 0
on_val = 1
# For PEC testing disable PEC in the Linux i2c driver;
# Setting PEC in Monimod is possible only with PEC disabled in
# the driver.
if PEC_ON == pec_map[use_pec]:
monimod_bus.bus.pec = False
old_val = monimod_bus.pmbus_read_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"])
# set to off
monimod_bus.pmbus_write_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"], monimod_bus.PEC_OFF_MAGIC)
# let the driver to not use PEC
off_val_read = monimod_bus.pmbus_read_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"])
assert off_val == off_val_read
# set to on
monimod_bus.pmbus_write_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"], monimod_bus.PEC_ON_MAGIC)
on_val_read = monimod_bus.pmbus_read_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"])
assert on_val == on_val_read
# restore and verify the old value
if old_val == off_val:
old_val_magic = monimod_bus.PEC_OFF_MAGIC
if old_val == on_val:
old_val_magic = monimod_bus.PEC_ON_MAGIC
monimod_bus.pmbus_write_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"], old_val_magic)
old_val_read = monimod_bus.pmbus_read_byte_cmd(monimod_bus.cmd_ids["USE_PEC"])
# Restore PEC usage for Linux i2c driver
if cmds == "USE_PEC" and PEC_ON == pec_map[use_pec]:
if PEC_ON == pec_map[use_pec]:
monimod_bus.bus.pec = old_val
assert old_val == old_val_read
class TestFwMainOther(object):
def test_switch_to_bootloader(self, monimod_bus, use_pec):
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
#define ADDR_TC_ONOFF 0xE2
#define PEC_ON_MAGIC 0x37
#define PEC_OFF_MAGIC 0x0F
int32_t i2c_m_sync_blk_cmd_write_and_read(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *wr_buffer, uint8_t wr_length, uint8_t *rd_buffer, uint8_t *rd_length);
int32_t i2c_m_sync_my_cmd_write(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length);
......@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ int32_t i2c_m_sync_blk_cmd_write(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c, uint8_t cmd, uint8
int32_t enable_pec(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c)
uint8_t wr_pec = 1;
uint8_t wr_pec = PEC_ON_MAGIC;
uint32_t ret;
use_pec = 0;
......@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ int32_t enable_pec(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c)
int32_t disable_pec(struct i2c_m_sync_desc *i2c)
uint8_t wr_pec = 0;
uint8_t wr_pec = PEC_OFF_MAGIC;
uint32_t ret;
use_pec = 0;
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