Commit 69cb2db1 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

bootloader: fix docker build script to work with hdl-ci-dockerfiles

parent e0b30e0a
Pipeline #3037 failed with stage
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docker create --name build_cont arm-clang-coast:latest /bin/bash -c "cd diot-monimod/bootloader/build; make clean; make -j9"
docker cp ../../../diot-monimod build_cont:/root/
docker start -a build_cont
docker cp build_cont:/root/diot-monimod/bootloader/build/. .
docker rm build_cont
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/../../:/root/diot-monimod armv6m-gcc-clang-coast bash -c 'cd /root/diot-monimod/bootloader/build && pwd && echo '"$@"' && make clean && make '"$@"
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