... | ... | @@ -2,58 +2,26 @@ |
## Hardware
### Q: does the board comply to CE regulations (EMC)?
A: Yes it does. In June 2012 extensive EMC tests have been performed on
the SPEC with a digital I/O (FMCDIO5chTTLa) card. These tests have been
made by [AT4 wireless](http://www.at4wireless.com/), a testing
laboratory accredited by the Spanish National Accreditation Body (ENAC
-Entidad Nacional de Acreditación) to perform the tests indicated in the
Certificate No. 51/LE 203.
The [test report](https://www.ohwr.org/project/spec/wikis/Documents/EMC-Test-report) is publicly
available and shows that the card has passed the most restrictive EMC
tests of each class (domestic and industrial) successfully:
- EM Radiated Emission: Class B (Domestic) EN 55022 (2006) / A1 (2007)
- EM Immunity (Industrial): EN 61000-4-3 (2006) / A1 (2008) / A2
(2010), EN 61000-4-4 (2004) / A1 (2010) / Corr (2010), EN 61000-4-6
(2009), EN 61000-4-2 (2009), EN 61000-4-8 (2010).
### Q: What are the differences between V1-0, V1-1 and V2-0?
A: V1-0 and V1-1 have different output buffers (SN74LS125 vs SN74LVT125)
caused by a mistake in the PCB library and resulting in poor output
pulse rise time and inability to drive 50 ohm loads in V1-0. V2-0 has
improved I/O protection circuit which works also when the card is not
powered. V1-0/V1-1 PCB designs are identical, in order to identify the
version, check the types of buffers soldered (IC2,
### Q: My card seems to be missing IPMI FRU information in the EEPROM. Can it be fixed?
A: Many cards miss that information, as it was not supported by the DIO
PTS (Production Test System). A temporary procedure to fix this issue
goes as follows:
\- Make sure you're using the latest master of the SVEC/SPEC drivers.
\- Download the
file from the Files section.
\- Load the SPEC/SVEC driver and the golden bitstream
\- Program the EEPROM with the command (as root, replace XXXX with the
ID of the mezzanine):
cat eeprom-dio.bin > /sys/bus/fmc/devices/fmc-XXXX/eeprom
\- Reload the driver. Now it should enumerate the card correctly:
svec svec.0: mezzanine 0
Manufacturer: CERN
Product name: FmcDIO5chTTLa
Tomasz Wlostowski - 1 July 2014
### Q: Does it work?
A: No, not yet. The files current posted (as of 14/09/15) are for our
version 1 prototype which has a number of known bugs/issues:
including - readout speed issues with the Raspberry Pi (we're using
interrupts that don't go fast enough under standard Raspian), an
unintentional hard limit for the event detection rate of 1 Hz as a
result of the way the high precision timing is implemented, and some
issues with the ADC's - specifically they're not configured to caputre
in the correct way and aren't pipelined. Finally, the rather neat Murata
HV PSU we've integrated isn't sufficiently stable (too much noise) for
use with our preference of Hammamatsu SiPMT. We're addressing all these
issues (and more) for version 2\!
### Q: What about the detector medium?
A: Version 1 is based on using a pair of Hammamatsu SiPMT's, a block of
plastic scintillator and a wavelength shifting fibre. All these items
are commercially available from people like Saint Gobain.
James Devine 14/09/15