... | ... | @@ -16,12 +16,22 @@ HV PSU we've integrated isn't sufficiently stable (too much noise) for |
use with our preference of Hammamatsu SiPMT. We're addressing all these
issues (and more) for version 2\!
### Q: What can I do to get involved RIGHT NOW?
A: The best and easiest place for you to see our current status is on
github, where the latest versions of our code are posted for your
perusal \[http://github.com/CosmicPi\]
### Q: What about the detector medium?
A: Version 1 is based on using a pair of Hammamatsu SiPMT's, a block of
A: Version 1 is based on using a pair of Hammamatsu SiPM's, a block of
plastic scintillator and a wavelength shifting fibre. All these items
are commercially available from people like Saint Gobain.
are commercially available from people like Saint Gobain. Our version
1.1/1.2 is based on a square block of scintillator such as BC-408 with
two directly coupled Avansid SiPM's, as this is a lot easier and cheaper
to manufacture and assemble.
James Devine 14/09/15