Commit 67c9922c authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana

sw: Updated test order and prepared for flash test

parent 2e84587f
......@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ all:
cp -r shell/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
cp pts-conv-ttl-rs485/shell/program pts-conv-ttl-rs485/boot
cp pts-conv-ttl-rs485/shell/flash pts-conv-ttl-rs485/boot
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
sed -i "s/ELMAIP = \"\"/ELMAIP = \"$(ELMAIP)\"/" pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
sed -i "s/ELMAPWD = \"\"/ELMAPWD = \"$(ELMAPWD)\"/" pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
sed -i "s/ELMASLOT = 4/ELMASLOT = $(ELMASLOT)/" pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
sed -i "s/ELMAIP = \"\"/ELMAIP = \"$(ELMAIP)\"/" pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
sed -i "s/ELMAPWD = \"\"/ELMAPWD = \"$(ELMAPWD)\"/" pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
sed -i "s/ELMASLOT = 4/ELMASLOT = $(ELMASLOT)/" pts-conv-ttl-rs485/lib/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/tests/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/tests/
......@@ -25,15 +25,14 @@ all:
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/tests/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/tests/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/tests/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/tests/
cp python/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
ln -s tests/ pts-conv-ttl-rs485/
wget -P pts-conv-ttl-rs485/boot
wget -P pts-conv-ttl-rs485/boot
......@@ -180,8 +180,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# After JPTS has finished, download release bitstream to EEPROM chip if none of the tests has failed
print "Loading CONV-TTL-RS485 golden and release bitstream...\n"
ret ="cd boot; ./flash", shell=True, stdout=sys.stdout,
ret ="cd boot; ./flash", shell=True, stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull)
if (ret != 0):
print "ERROR: Bitstream download failed"
......@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# .. and run the flash test
cmd = "./"
cmd = "python ./", shell=True, stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull)
# After all testing has finished, grep the log files for PASS and FAIL messages and print the outcomes to the console
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