Commit 56b56b7d authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana

hdl: Negated RS-485 input line and added description in header of top-level file

parent 7a145ab6
......@@ -9,11 +9,22 @@
-- version: 1.0
-- description:
-- Top-level file of the HDL for the CONV-TTL-RS485 front-module PTS. All the
-- modules used within the PTS are instantiated and connected here. The logic
-- implemented here will work together with the PTS (Python) software.
-- dependencies:
-- - converter board common gateware [1]
-- - general-cores repository [2]
-- - White Rabbit core collection [3]
-- references:
-- [1] Converter board common gateware on OHWR,
-- [2] Platform-independent core collection on OHWR,
-- [3] White Rabbit Core Collection on OHWR,
......@@ -1630,7 +1641,7 @@ end generate gen_other_front_pulse_logic;
tester_ctrl <= tester_s1 & tester_s0 & tester_mux_en & tester_vcc;
-- Assign rear panel inputs to local signals
rear_trigs_a <= rs485_n_i;
rear_trigs_a <= not rs485_n_i;
-- And now generate the logic for six pulse rep channels
gen_rear_test_logic : for i in 0 to 5 generate
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