Commit 7e1f2435 authored by gilsoriano's avatar gilsoriano

Synchronizing fsm for the hold times and send frames.

parent 2276a22c
......@@ -79,6 +79,25 @@ package spi_master_pkg is
constant c_ADDR_LENGTH : NATURAL := 3;
constant c_DATA_LENGTH : NATURAL := 256;
constant c_SPI0_default : r_SPI0 := (x => (others => '0'),
BDATA => to_unsigned(c_DATA_LENGTH, 8),
BADDR => to_unsigned(c_ADDR_LENGTH, 8),
BINST => to_unsigned(c_INST_LENGTH, 8));
constant c_SPI1_default : r_SPI1 := (PUSH_DATA => '0',
PUSH_ADDR => '0',
PUSH_INST => '0',
PULL_DATA => '0',
PULL_ADDR => '0',
PULL_INST => '0',
SEND_DATA => '0',
SEND_ADDR => '0',
SEND_INST => '0',
SEND_OP => '0',
x => (others => '0'),
CLK_DIV => X"2",
y => (others => '0'));
......@@ -94,6 +113,9 @@ package spi_master_pkg is
function f_SPI0 (signal r_register : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0)) return r_SPI0;
function f_SPI1 (signal r_register : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0)) return r_SPI1;
function f_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(signal r_register : in r_SPI0) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
function f_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(signal r_register : in r_SPI1) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
end spi_master_pkg;
package body spi_master_pkg is
......@@ -76,22 +76,19 @@ begin
s_wb_rty <= '0';
s_wb_err <= '0';
s_wb_ack <= '0';
s_wb_rty <= '0';
s_wb_err <= '0';
case wb_we_i is
when '1' =>
case wb_addr_i is
when c_SPI0_addr =>
s_SPI0 <= wb_data_i;
s_wb_ack <= '1';
s_wb_rty <= '0';
s_wb_err <= '0';
when c_SPI1_addr =>
s_SPI1 <= wb_data_i;
s_wb_ack <= '1';
s_wb_rty <= '0';
s_wb_err <= '0';
when others =>
s_wb_ack <= '0';
s_wb_rty <= '0';
s_wb_err <= '1';
end case;
when others =>
......@@ -99,13 +96,9 @@ begin
when c_SPI0_addr =>
wb_data_o <= s_SPI0;
s_wb_ack <= '1';
s_wb_rty <= '0';
s_wb_err <= '0';
when c_SPI1_addr =>
wb_data_o <= s_SPI1;
s_wb_ack <= '1';
s_wb_rty <= '0';
s_wb_err <= '0';
when others =>
end case;
end case;
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