Commit 081d73c1 authored by gilsoriano's avatar gilsoriano

Improving whole module: better reads and writes fsm

parent e4c9846a
......@@ -216,6 +216,14 @@ package spi_master_pkg is
function f_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(r_register : in r_SPI2) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
function f_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(r_register : in r_SPI3) return STD_LOGIC_VECTOR;
function f_read_edge(r_register : in r_SPI0;
spi_clk : in STD_LOGIC;
spi_clk_d0 : in STD_LOGIC) return STD_LOGIC;
function f_write_edge(r_register : in r_SPI0;
spi_clk : in STD_LOGIC;
spi_clk_d0 : in STD_LOGIC) return STD_LOGIC;
function f_min(a: NATURAL; b: NATURAL) return NATURAL;
end spi_master_pkg;
......@@ -365,5 +373,58 @@ package body spi_master_pkg is
return v_SPI3;
end f_SPI3;
--! @brief Function that determines a read edge depending upon
--! CPOL and CPHA values.
--! @param r_register SPI0 register containing CPOL and CPHA
--! spi_clk STD_LOGIC containing currently sampled spi clock value
--! spi_clk_d0 STD_LOGIC containing previously sampled spi clock value
function f_read_edge(r_register : in r_SPI0;
spi_clk : in STD_LOGIC;
spi_clk_d0 : in STD_LOGIC) return STD_LOGIC is
variable read_edge : STD_LOGIC;
read_edge := '0';
if (r_register.CPOL xor r_register.CPHA) = '0' then
--! The read case is the rising_edge
if spi_clk = '1' and spi_clk_d0 = '0' then
read_edge := '1';
end if;
--! The read case is the falling_edge
if spi_clk = '0' and spi_clk_d0 = '1' then
read_edge := '1';
end if;
end if;
return read_edge;
end f_read_edge;
--! @brief Function that determines a write edge depending upon
--! CPOL and CPHA values.
--! @param r_register SPI0 register containing CPOL and CPHA
--! spi_clk STD_LOGIC containing currently sampled spi clock value
--! spi_clk_d0 STD_LOGIC containing previously sampled spi clock value
function f_write_edge(r_register : in r_SPI0;
spi_clk : in STD_LOGIC;
spi_clk_d0 : in STD_LOGIC) return STD_LOGIC is
variable write_edge : STD_LOGIC;
write_edge := '0';
if (r_register.CPOL xor r_register.CPHA) = '0' then
--! The write case is the falling_edge
if spi_clk = '0' and spi_clk_d0 = '1' then
write_edge := '1';
end if;
--! The write case is the rising_edge
if spi_clk = '1' and spi_clk_d0 = '0' then
write_edge := '1';
end if;
end if;
return write_edge;
end f_write_edge;
end spi_master_pkg;
end spi_master_pkg;
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