Commit 7e23550b authored by Evangelia Gousiou's avatar Evangelia Gousiou

eva_g first comments

parent 8e820682
- presentation with simulation has been very useful!
- as there is code from several people, the path of a pulse from input to output is not very obvious;
sometimes the input is referred to as "pulse", others as "trigger" etc
- structure clean up as in
(eg: conv-ttl-blo-gw\ip_cores\conv-common-gw\ip_cores\general-cores -> conv-ttl-blo-gw\ip_cores\general-cores)
- cleanup of syn folder (eg: conv_ttl_blo (2).xise :-)
- line 8: as git does the job, version/date/dependencies/last changes could be removed
- line 12: for readability if possible max 100 characters per line
- line 100: could be: th_array_lgth <= 6 when pwidth = 5 else 15;
- line 153: could use gc_sync_ffs; otherwise pulse_train_in_f_edge_p could also be initialized if (rst_n_i = '0')
and could use another dff before the edge detection for metastability
- line 138: en_i not in sensitivity list for sim; process not very clear and the comment "Generate the
pulse on rising edge of pulse_burst_i" is not clear.
could the pulse_train_in assignments be moved in the p_thermal_fsm_outputs process or
do sth like "pulse_train_in <= '0' when burst_ctrl_rst = '1' else pulse_burst_i and en_i;"?
- line 237: 6 could be replaced by a constant
- line 286: should be moved inside the "if" (after line 287)
- line 299: i think this could be skipped, as in this case the FSM will already be in the PULSE_REJECT state
- line 315: should be moved inside an "else"
- line 767: burst_en_n_i could be renamed to something reflecting the lg vs sh option
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