Commit 5e38b491 authored by Antonin Broquet's avatar Antonin Broquet

add initial top and subdirs README

# CITY repository
## Overview
CITY board has been designed for the ESRF timing & synchronization system.
It is a standalone pizza box form factor module.
It is based on:
- FASEC design: Zynq SoC with Processing System (PS) running Linux for control
system interface, and Programmable Logic (PL) for application gateware.
- FMC DAC 12b 1cha DDS: RF signal distribution over a White Rabbit network
This design is the next version of a previous module (WHIST) based on the SPEC
card and implementing initial code of RFoWR (legacy WR Node Core, migrated to
Mock Turtle).
In order to be compatible with current ESRF WHIST system, CITY design gateware
implements the legacy WR Node Core.
It is in the roadmap to follow the current RFoWR implementation
(with Mock Turtle and future RoE protocol).
As this board has been developed for ESRF needs, it targets 352MHz RF frequency.
500MHz frequency support (for other synchrotron) is considered.
## Content
circuit_board: PCB design
hdl: VHDL source for application gateware (WR, RFoWR, programmable pulses and
# PCB Design
Circuit board for CITY application.
Based on:
- FASEC design,
- FMC DAC 12b 1cha DDS
## Contents
CITY-V1-0: first version of PCB.
# HDL - Gateware
Sources for application gateware.
## Contents
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