... | ... | @@ -20,6 +20,17 @@ OHL. |
photo of the result. GPLv2 and v3 uses: The “source code” for a work
means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to
- From the updates@lists.openhardwaresummit.org mailing list:"I think
I'd like to see a clarification/tweak in the OSHW Definition (v1.1?)
of "open format" as meaning something along the lines of "a format
unencumbered with licensing and usage restrictions incompatible with
the OSHW Definition"."
- From the updates@lists.openhardwaresummit.org mailing list:"You may
include files in proprietary formats, the documentation must include
schematics (in PDF or open format). The design files must be the
preferred format for making changes, for example the native file
format of a CAD program (or an open format if your tools can create
them)". Clunky sentence...
## Concerns about the "notification of changes" (3.3d) clause
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