... | ... | @@ -78,6 +78,46 @@ The Geometry library incorporates the 3 parts: |
- shape groups (a set of shapes treated as a single solid shape) and
Features required for all shapes:
- Basic geometry operations: mirror/rotate/translate
- Axis-aligned bounding box generation. Each shape must provide a
BoundingBox() method.
- Potential intersection test (using bounding boxes).
- Convex hull generation. For shapes that incorporate curves, the
convex hull can be approximated by first converting the shape to a
- Intersection test, returning list of intersecting points.
- Minimum distance between shapes, returing the segment connecting the
closest points in both shapes.
- Point inside test.
- Area calculation.
- Conversion to a polygon (closed shapes or shapes with thickness) or
a line chain, with user-defined approximation accuracy.
- Serialization/deserialization in s-expression format.
Segments/line chains:
- Perpendicular projection of a point on a line/segment.
- Segment collinearity check.
- Line chain simplification (remove duplicate vertices and collinear
- a cleaned up version of CPolyLine class, following coding standards
- boolean operations
- chamfered/filleted/offset polygon generation
- hatching
Containers / Indexes:
- add/remove, owning (container) / non-owning(index)
- collision and minimum distance queries (with respect to a VECTOR2,
BOX2 or any
other SHAPE)
- interface compatible with STL (iterators)
### Basic classes
- **template<typename T> VECTOR2**
... | ... | @@ -98,8 +138,9 @@ The Geometry library incorporates the 3 parts: |
from ANGLE and provide float-less (n \* 45 degree) directions for
all other geometry operations.
- **template<class Vec> class SEG**
Class defining a line segment. Provides segment/line intersection,
point-to-segment and segment-to-segment operators.
Class defining a line segment. Provides segment/line/point
intersection, point-to-segment and segment-to-segment distance
### Supported shapes
... | ... | @@ -107,23 +148,54 @@ Shapes mandatory for the P\&S router: |
- **class SHAPE** : abstract interface for all **SHAPE\_** classes.
- **class SHAPE\_RECT**: axis-aligned rectangle
- **class SHAPE\_ORIENTED\_RECT**: rectangle with rotation
- **class SHAPE\_CIRCLE**: full circle
- **class SHAPE\_LINE\_STRING**: string of line segments (a polyline)
- **class SHAPE\_LINE\_STRING**: string of line segments (a polyline,
with optional thickness)
More complex shapes (for DRC)
More complex shapes (for DRC):
- **class SHAPE\_ORIENTED\_RECT**: rectangle with rotation
- **class SHAPE\_POLYGON**: polygon with holes. Cleaned-up version of
- **class SHAPE\_ARC**: circular arc
- \*class SHAPE\_BEZIER: quadratic bezier curve.
- **class SHAPE\_ARC**: circular arc (with optional thickness)
- \*class SHAPE\_BEZIER: quadratic bezier curve (with optional
### Shape groups and indexes
- class SHAPE\_GROUP: group of shapes, behaving as a single body. Each
shape can have an individual offset (a vector) wrs to the group
- class SHAPE\_GROUP: group of shapes, behaving as a single solid
body. Each member shape can have an individual offset (a vector)
with respect to the group origin.
- class SHAPE\_INDEX: class for spatial indexing of shapes. Internally
implements an R/R\*/Bounding Volume/Bounding Interval Tree. Provides
fast distance/collision query operator.
## Implementation
To consider:
- whether to design and write something from scratch (lots of
GPL/LGPL/BSD/MIT code available),
- or rely on a library (consider builing and integration issues).
**boost::geometry** seems to be worth checking out,
**clipper** already does all what we need regarding polygons.
- first clients/test targets: new graphics subsystem and C** P\&S
- P\&S will largely depend on spatial indexing and collision
- Even partially done geometry library can be used to quickly develop
a number
of new DRC tests: component-to-component, solder/pastemask sliver,
silkscreen-over-pads test.
- As soon as polygon support is available, the DRC could be improved
with a proper
solution to the polygon stitching issue. With the new geometry
DRC would not need to modify zones but only check their clearances,
and zone
refilling would be performed when the user requests it.