Commit f2b201d2 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/dev_io/dev_io_err.c: fix SMIO_DO_OP error enum position

There was a mismatch between the enum declaration and the
error description structure, causing the error to print
an unexpected message.
parent 154992b9
......@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ static const char *devio_err [DEVIO_ERR_END] =
[DEVIO_SUCCESS] = "Success",
[DEVIO_ERR_ALLOC] = "Could not allocate memory",
[DEVIO_ERR_FUNC_NOT_IMPL] = "Function not implemented",
[DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DO_OP] = "Error calling specific sm_io function",
[DEVIO_ERR_NO_SMIO_OP] = "No sm_io registered for this opcode",
[DEVIO_ERR_NO_SMIO_ID] = "No sm_io registered with this ID",
[DEVIO_ERR_MAX_SMIOS] = "Maximum number os SMIOs reached",
[DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DO_OP] = "Error calling specific sm_io function",
[DEVIO_ERR_NO_NODES] = "No thread nodes available",
[DEVIO_ERR_UNINIT_POLLER] = "Poller uninitilized",
[DEVIO_ERR_INTERRUPTED_POLLER] = "Poller interrupted. zeroMQ context was terminated or received interrupt signal",
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