Commit e10a68b6 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/dev_mngr/dev_mngr_core.c: check for empty AFE bind address

If we have received an empty string for the bind AFE address,
we don't spawn a new dev_io.
parent ea59e067
......@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ static dmngr_err_e _dmngr_scan_devs (dmngr_t *self, uint32_t *num_devs_found)
char *endpoint_fe = zhash_lookup (self->hints_h, hints_key);
/* If key is not found, assume we don't have any more AFE to
* prepare */
if (endpoint_fe == NULL) {
if (endpoint_fe == NULL || streq (endpoint_fe, "")) {
"[dev_mngr_core:scan_devs] Could not find any more endpoint
hints for FEs\n"); */
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