Commit d9aa6a46 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

src/sm_io/*/ops/sm_pr_spi.c: fix read register for BIDIR mode

On BIDIR mode, the received data is on base address
register RX0 and not RX0_SINGLE
parent a1859394
......@@ -423,15 +423,19 @@ static ssize_t _spi_read_write_generic (smpr_t *self, uint8_t *data,
/* Read data from RX regsiters */
uint32_t i;
uint8_t data_read[SPI_PROTO_REG_RXTX_NUM * SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE] = {0};
/* If we are using Bidirectional SPI, the receved data is located on base address
* SPI_PROTO_REG_RX0. Otherwise, the data is on a different register
uint32_t read_base_addr = (spi_proto->bidir) ? SPI_PROTO_REG_RX0 : SPI_PROTO_REG_RX0_SINGLE;
/* We read 32-bit at a time */
for (i = 0; i < size/SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE; ++i) {
"[sm_pr:spi] _spi_rw_generic: Reading from RX%u\n", i);
/* As the RXs are just a single register, we write using the SMIO
* functions directly */
num_bytes = smio_thsafe_client_read_32 (parent,
(spi_proto->base | SPI_PROTO_REG_RX0_SINGLE) + SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE*i,
(uint32_t *)(data_read + SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE*i));
num_bytes = smio_thsafe_client_read_32 (parent,
(spi_proto->base | read_base_addr) + SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE*i,
(uint32_t *)(data_read + SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE*i));
"[sm_pr:spi] _spi_rw_generic: Read 0x%08X from RX%u\n",
*((uint32_t *) (data_read + SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE*i)), i);
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