Commit 3e946b50 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

hal/hal_utils/*: add more generic string conversion functions

parent 6d0ada44
......@@ -35,21 +35,32 @@
CHECK_HAL_ERR(err, HAL_UTILS, "[halutils]", \
halutils_err_str (err_type))
uint32_t hex_to_str_len (uint32_t key)
uint32_t num_to_str_len (uint32_t key, uint32_t base)
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t rem = key;
do {
key >>= 4;
rem /= base;
} while (key > 0);
} while (rem > 0);
return i;
char *halutils_stringify_key (uint32_t key)
uint32_t hex_to_str_len (uint32_t key)
return num_to_str_len (key, 16);
uint32_t dec_to_str_len (uint32_t key)
return num_to_str_len (key, 10);
char *halutils_stringify_key (uint32_t key, uint32_t base)
uint32_t key_len = hex_to_str_len (key) + 1; /* +1 for \0 */
uint32_t key_len = num_to_str_len (key, base) + 1; /* +1 for \0 */
char *key_c = zmalloc (key_len * sizeof (char));
ASSERT_ALLOC (key_c, err_key_c_alloc);
......@@ -64,4 +75,12 @@ err_key_c_alloc:
return NULL;
char *halutils_stringify_dec_key (uint32_t key)
return halutils_stringify_key (key, 10);
char *halutils_stringify_hex_key (uint32_t key)
return halutils_stringify_key (key, 16);
......@@ -10,7 +10,25 @@
#include <inttypes.h>
uint32_t num_to_str_len (uint32_t key);
char *halutils_stringify_key (uint32_t key);
/* Returns the necessary string length including the termianting null character
* for a number in a arbitrary base */
uint32_t num_to_str_len (uint32_t key, uint32_t base);
/* Returns the necessary string length including the termianting null character
* for a hexadecimal number */
uint32_t hex_to_str_len (uint32_t key);
/* Returns the necessary string length including the termianting null character
* for a decimal number */
uint32_t dec_to_str_len (uint32_t key);
/* Allocates a string with the necessary size to fit a number in an arbitrary base */
char *halutils_stringify_key (uint32_t key, uint32_t base);
/* Allocates a string with the necessary size to fit a decimal key */
char *halutils_stringify_dec_key (uint32_t key);
/* Allocates a string with the necessary size to fit an hexadecimal key */
char *halutils_stringify_hex_key (uint32_t key);
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