Commit e31a5512 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

modules/*/wb_acq_core: reset all modules on new acquisition

This is important as some acquisition modes
(e.g., triggered) may leave dirty buffers
along the way. So, we flush all of this
on each new acquisition.
parent cc33cb16
......@@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ architecture rtl of wb_acq_core is
constant c_p2l_with_pulse2level : t_acq_bool_array(c_p2l_num_inputs-1 downto 0) :=
(false, true, true, false, true, true);
constant c_acq_start_fs_rst_pulse_width : natural := 16;
-- Types declaration
......@@ -269,6 +271,13 @@ architecture rtl of wb_acq_core is
signal acq_start : std_logic;
signal acq_start_sync_ext : std_logic;
signal acq_start_sync_fs : std_logic;
signal acq_start_rst : std_logic;
signal acq_start_pp_fs_sync : std_logic;
signal acq_start_rst_fs_sync : std_logic;
signal acq_start_rst_ext_sync : std_logic;
signal acq_start_rstn_fs_sync : std_logic;
signal acq_start_rstn_ext_sync : std_logic;
signal acq_start_safe : std_logic;
signal acq_now : std_logic;
signal acq_stop : std_logic;
signal acq_end : std_logic;
......@@ -445,8 +454,8 @@ begin
report "[wb_acq_core] Only g_acq_num_channels less or equal 24 is supported!"
severity Failure;
fs_rst_n <= fs_rst_n_i and acq_fsm_rstn_fs_sync;
ext_rst_n <= ext_rst_n_i and acq_fsm_rstn_ext_sync;
fs_rst_n <= fs_rst_n_i and acq_fsm_rstn_fs_sync and acq_start_rstn_fs_sync;
ext_rst_n <= ext_rst_n_i and acq_fsm_rstn_ext_sync and acq_start_rstn_ext_sync;
-- Slave adapter for Wishbone Register Interface
......@@ -722,7 +731,7 @@ begin
acq_trig_i => acq_trig_i,
lmt_curr_chan_id_i => lmt_dtrig_chan_id,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start_safe,
-- Output Interface.
......@@ -756,7 +765,7 @@ begin
acq_trig_i => acq_trig_i,
lmt_curr_chan_id_i => lmt_curr_chan_id,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start_safe,
-- Output Interface.
......@@ -799,7 +808,7 @@ begin
dtrig_id_i => dtrig_id_in,
lmt_dtrig_chan_id_i => lmt_dtrig_chan_id,
lmt_dtrig_valid_i => acq_start,
lmt_dtrig_valid_i => acq_start_safe,
acq_data_i => acq_data_marsh(c_acq_data_width-1 downto 0),
acq_valid_i => acq_dvalid_in,
......@@ -807,7 +816,7 @@ begin
acq_trig_i => acq_trig_in,
lmt_curr_chan_id_i => lmt_curr_chan_id,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start_safe,
acq_wr_en_i => acq_fsm_accepting,
acq_data_o => acq_data,
......@@ -853,7 +862,7 @@ begin
post_trig_samples_i => post_trig_samples_c,
shots_nb_i => shots_nb_c,
lmt_curr_chan_id_i => lmt_curr_chan_id,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start_safe,
samples_cnt_o => samples_cnt,
......@@ -976,7 +985,7 @@ begin
-- Request transaction reset as soon as possible (when all outstanding
-- transactions have been commited)
req_rst_trans_i => acq_fsm_req_rst, -- FIXME: Could this be acq_start = '1'???
req_rst_trans_i => acq_fsm_req_rst,
-- Select between multi-buffer mode and pass-through mode (data directly
-- through external module interface)
passthrough_en_i => acq_single_shot,
......@@ -994,7 +1003,7 @@ begin
-- Number of shots in this acquisition
lmt_shots_nb_i => lmt_shots_nb,
--lmt_valid_i => lmt_valid,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start,
lmt_valid_i => acq_start_safe,
fifo_fc_all_trans_done_p_o => fifo_fc_all_trans_done_p,
-- Asserted when the Acquisition FIFO is full. Data is lost when this signal is
......@@ -1022,6 +1031,64 @@ begin
dbg_shots_cnt_o => dbg_shots_cnt
-- Delayed start and modules reset
-- Reset all modules on each new acquisition. This is the first thing to
-- happen when we start an acquisition. After that, all modules are
-- started accordingly. This would be better described as a FSM, maybe,
-- but it works fine for now.
-- Acquisition start chain:
-- acq_start -> acq_start_safe -> acq_start_sync_ext -> acq_start_sync_fs
-- Extend acq_start to function as a reset to all modules
cmp_acq_start_rst_extended : gc_extend_pulse
generic map (
g_width => c_acq_start_fs_rst_pulse_width
port map(
clk_i => fs_clk_i,
rst_n_i => fs_rst_n_i,
pulse_i => acq_start,
extended_o => acq_start_rst
-- Sync and pipeline reset signals
cmp_reset_fs_synch : reset_synch
port map(
clk_i => fs_clk_i,
arst_n_i => acq_start_rst,
rst_n_o => acq_start_rst_fs_sync
cmp_reset_ext_synch : reset_synch
port map(
clk_i => ext_clk_i,
arst_n_i => acq_start_rst,
rst_n_o => acq_start_rst_ext_sync
acq_start_rstn_fs_sync <= not(acq_start_rst_fs_sync);
acq_start_rstn_ext_sync <= not(acq_start_rst_ext_sync);
-- Use the negative edge of the extended pulse to trigger the acq_start
-- and start all modules.
cmp_edge_detector : gc_sync_ffs
generic map(
g_sync_edge => "positive")
port map(
clk_i => fs_clk_i,
rst_n_i => fs_rst_n_i,
data_i => acq_start_rst_fs_sync,
synced_o => open,
npulse_o => acq_start_pp_fs_sync,
ppulse_o => open
acq_start_safe <= acq_start_pp_fs_sync;
-- Pulse to Level and Synchronizer circuits
......@@ -1074,7 +1141,7 @@ begin
p2l_clk_out(c_p2l_acq_start_idx) <= ext_clk_i;
p2l_rst_out_n(c_p2l_acq_start_idx) <= ext_rst_n;
p2l_pulse(c_p2l_acq_start_idx) <= acq_start;
p2l_pulse(c_p2l_acq_start_idx) <= acq_start_safe;
p2l_clr(c_p2l_acq_start_idx) <= '0'; -- not used
acq_start_sync_ext <= p2l_pulse_synched(c_p2l_acq_start_idx);
......@@ -1102,7 +1169,7 @@ begin
ddr3_all_trans_done_l <= p2l_level_synched(c_p2l_ddr3_all_trans_done_idx);
-- FIXME: We use the additional latency introduced by the conversion circuits
-- acq_start -> acq_start_sync_ext -> acq_start_sync_fs to give time to modules
-- acq_start -> acq_start_safe -> acq_start_sync_ext -> acq_start_sync_fs to give time to modules
-- downstream (acq_ddr_iface and the ones clocked by ext_clk_i) to configure
-- themselves before starting the actual acquisition. Without this, the modules
-- can misbehave as the number of samples would not be correctly set, for
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