Commit 709191d5 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

top/*/dbe_bpm_gen: use clk_sys as reference clock for trigger modules

This is important as if the FMC1 does not
supply any clock we won't be able to send/
recv trigger events.

Also, it doesn't really matter to have
triggers with a local clk_sys clock,
as the triggers are treated as asynchronous
signal anyway.
parent e3434ac2
......@@ -4015,8 +4015,8 @@ begin
-- Trigger --
trig_ref_clk <= fs1_clk;
trig_ref_rst_n <= fs1_rstn;
trig_ref_clk <= clk_sys;
trig_ref_rst_n <= clk_sys_rstn;
cmp_xwb_trigger : xwb_trigger
generic map (
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