Commit 6691966d authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

README: project folder hierarchy organization

parent ae2a3b88
...@@ -7,6 +7,65 @@ software. ...@@ -7,6 +7,65 @@ software.
Folder Hierarchy organization: Folder Hierarchy organization:
|-- hdl:
| | HDL (Verilog/VHDL) cores related to the BPM.
| |
| |-- ip_cores:
| | | Third party reusable modules, primarily Open hardware
| | | modules (
| | |-- etherbone-core:
| | | Connects two Wishbone Busses, either a true hardware bus
| | | or emulated software bus, throught Ethernet.
| | |-- general-cores:
| | General reusable modules.
| |-- modules:
| | | Modules specific to BPM hardware.
| | |-- custom_common:
| | | Common (reusable) modules to BPM hardware and possibly
| | | to other designs.
| | |-- custom_wishbone:
| | Wishbone modules to BPM hardware.
| |-- platform:
| | Platform-specific code, such as xilinx chipscope wrappers.
| |-- sim:
| | Generic simulation files, reusable Bus Functional Modules (BFM),
| | constants definitions.
| |-- syn:
| | Synthesis specific files (user constraints files and top design
| | specification)
| |-- testbench:
| | Testbenches for modules and top level designs. May use modules
| | defined elsewhere (specific within the 'sim" directory)
| |-- top:
| Top design modules.
|-- sw:
Software related to the BPM.
Simulation instructions:
-> Go to a testbench directory. It must have a top manifest file:
cd /hdl/testbench/path_to_testbench
-> Run the following commands. You must have hdlmake2 command available
in your PATH environment variable.
hdlmake2 --make-isim
make fuse TOP_MODULE=<top_level_testbench_module_without_the_extension>
./isim_proj -view wave.wcfg -tclbatch isim_cmd -gui
Synthesis instructions:
-> Go to a syn directory. It must have a top manifest file:
cd /hdl/top/path_to_top_design
-> Run the following commands. You must have hdlmake2 command available
in your PATH environment variable.
hdlmake2 --make-ise --ise-proj
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