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  • Lucas Russo's avatar
    modules/*/wb_trigger: split module into 3 to allow more flexibility · 2ab2c9d7
    Lucas Russo authored
    Now, instead of a single module wb_trigger,
    we have 3 separate modules:
    1) wb_trigger_iface responsible for the low-level
    interface to board and FPGA
    2) wb_trigger_mux responsible for multiplexing
    multiple physical triggers (external trigger signals)
    to multiple, independent, trigger interfaces (FPGA signals)
    3) wb_trigger responsible for wrapping 1) and 2) together
    and providing a resolution method for assigning physical
    triggers to trigger interfaces (e.g., fanout resolution)
    and a resolution method for collapsing trigger interfaces
    to physical triggers (e.g, ORing trigger interface pulses)
    This fixes #56 github issue