Commit c74d6ff2 authored by Eva Sicking's avatar Eva Sicking

Update contributor list

parent 7c5dd01b
......@@ -84,14 +84,22 @@ Please follow these conventions to make contributions smooth:
* before submitting the final PR rebase on the `develop` branch and make sure everything runs as expected
### Contributors
HexPlot has been developed and is maintained by:
The following authors, in alphabetical order, have contributed to HexDAQ:
* Erica Brondolin, CERN, @ericabro
* Itamar Levy, TAU, @itlevy
* Andreas Alexander Maier, CERN, @amaier
The following authors, in alphabetical order, have contributed to the project:
* Florian Michael Pitters, CERN, @fpipper
* Florian Michael Pitters, CERN, TU Vienna, @fpipper
* Thorben Quast, CERN, RWTH Aachen, @tquast
* Eva Sicking, CERN, @esicking
* Manfred Valentan, HEPHY, @valentan
HexDAQ was initially developed by:
* Andreas Alexander Maier, CERN, @amaier
It is currently maintained by:
* Erica Brondolin, CERN, @ericabro
* Thorben Quast, CERN, RWTH Aachen, @tquast
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