remove editor backup files

parent 35df7df5
wxpython >= 2.8
Possible UI optimization:
- multithreading support
UI freezes during long computations
- graphic improvemet
We could store graphics in SVG format somewhere (tempdir), then we could just
show that SVG without waiting for pyplot
This is strictly related to Caching
Possible data management classes optimizations:
- Trasparent cache
We should implement the caching mechanism inside Signal and FFT Signal. This
way Model should not worry about caching at all, which is a better design IMHO.
- FFT Signal progresses
Several functions are not implemented in FFTSignal class.
from sys import argv
def adj(x):
return round(x/5.0 * (2**15))
src = open(argv[1], "r")
lines = ['\t' + i for i in src.readlines()]
dest = open(argv[2], "w")
dest.write("[SIGNAL]\nnbits = 24\nrate = 1000000\n=ndata = ")
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