Commit 29e32976 authored by Federico Asara's avatar Federico Asara

Module initializer loads all the components of the API, if they can be loaded.

Added support for Pyro4 RemoteObject
parent c87b79c5
__author__="Federico" __author__="Federico"
__date__ ="$Aug 17, 2011 4:43:08 PM$" __date__ ="$Aug 17, 2011 4:43:08 PM$"
# PAIn: Python ADC Interface # PAGE: Python ADC and GEnerators API
import SineWaveform hasSis33 = False
import SineWaveform, TTWaveform
import Agilent33250A import Agilent33250A
import Sis33 import RemoteObject
import Sis33
hasSis33 = True
print 'Error while loading Sis33 module, skipping it'
waveforms = (RemoteObject, SineWaveform, TTWaveform)
generators = (Agilent33250A, RemoteObject)
if hasSis33:
adcs = (RemoteObject, Sis33)
adcs = (RemoteObject, )
waveforms = (SineWaveform, )
generators = (Agilent33250A, )
adcs = (Sis33, )
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