1.0.4 - 2020-03-26 ================== https://www.ohwr.org/project/general-cores/tags/v1.0.4 Added ----- - [hdl] VHDL functions to convert characters and strings to upper/lower case. - [sw][i2c] Support for kernel greater than 4.7. - [hdl] Separate synchroniser and edge detection modules. - [hdl] 8b10b encoder. Changed ------- - [hdl] Rewritten the WB master interface used in simulations. - [hdl] Reimplement gc_sync_ffs using new synchroniser and edge detectors. Fixed ----- - [sw][spi] Align polarity and phase for Rx and Tx. - [hdl][i2c] Fix reset lock for I2C master. - [hdl] Avoid cyclic dependencies for log2 ceiling functions.