Commit e86407ee authored by mcattin's avatar mcattin

Fix bug in whisbone interface, was not working with single wb cycle rd/wr…

Fix bug in whisbone interface, was not working with single wb cycle rd/wr because the cmd_instr was taken from wb_we instead of wb_we_d.

git-svn-id: 739e5516-d4a2-47df-ba96-5610c1fa693f
parent 4dddc439
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ begin
if ((ddr_burst_cnt = 0 and wb_cyc_r_edge = '1' and wb_stb_i = '1') or
(ddr_burst_cnt = to_unsigned(1, ddr_burst_cnt'length))) then
ddr_cmd_byte_addr <= wb_addr_d(g_BYTE_ADDR_WIDTH-c_ADDR_SHIFT-1 downto 0) & addr_shift;
ddr_cmd_instr <= "00" & not(wb_we_i);
ddr_cmd_instr <= "00" & not(wb_we_d);
end if;
ddr_cmd_bl <= std_logic_vector(ddr_burst_cnt - 1);
end if;
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