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Production and functional tests for fmc-dac-600m-12b-1cha-dds
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FmcDIO5chTTLa is a 5-bit port digital IO card in FMC form-factor. Each single-bit port can be configured individually as input or output. The I/Os on LEMO 00 connectors are TTL compatible. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page
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Detailed documentation on how to get ready to work with the Simple PCI Express Carrier, including hardware deployment instructions, full required toolchain setup and and a collection of step-by-step demonstrative tutorials.
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Software support for the SPEC board, including kernel and user-space Linux code. The package also include the fmc-bus driver, which is expected to be used by other carriers as well.
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TiCkS is a flexible White Rabbit based time-stamping board. It is based on the SPEC board developed for the CTA collaboration. It provides an interface to a CTA camera (Inputs: Read-out Trigger signals, Busy Trigger), (Outputs: PPS signal , 10MHz clock, External trigger signal).
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White Rabbit is a fully deterministic Ethernet-based network for general purpose data transfer and synchronization. It can synchronize over 1000 nodes with sub-ns accuracy over fiber lengths of up to 10 km. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page
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Development of software for the White Rabbit switch, and in particular the embedded Linux system running in the ARM9 processor. More info at the Wiki page
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wbgen2 is a tool for generating VHDL/Verilog cores which implement Wishbone bus slaves with certain registers, memory blocks, FIFOs and interrupts. The input is a C-like syntax file with an abstract description of what do we want to have in the slave. As a result, we get:
- Automatically allocated memory layout
- VHDL/Verilog code for the slave module
- C header files for driver development - Nice HTML documentation
Read the wbgen2-Documentation Get the latest version binaries https://www.ohwr.org/attachments/5659/wbgen2-bin.tar.bz2