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The P4CH–LNLS is a standalone, high-resolution, four-channel picoammeter. The channels are independent; each features an eight-range transimpedance amplifier (I-V amplifier) and 24-bit resolution, delta-sigma ADC with ten selectable sampling frequencies that reach up to 2000 samples per second. The hardware’s input stage was designed to be biased up to 400 V by an external high-voltage power supply. Edge-sensitive trigger signals allow for synchronization of data acquisition with external events or other devices. Input and output ADC clock connectors are also available on the device, which may be beneficial for applications requiring multiple and synchronized P4CH-LNLS with strict timing requirements. NXP Semiconductors’ cortex M3 microcontroller, the LPC1768, manages these features and stores the calibration data on an external EEPROM. The microcontroller and the user communicate through a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet link.
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A project to host all software and hardware developments related to testing the White Rabbit switch.
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4-channel 16-bit 210 MS/s ADC (LTC2107) FMC module. More info at the Wiki page
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Idrogen is an Arria10 FPGA board with FMC mezzanine.
PCB design is performed by IJCLab / CNRS-IN2P3. Firmware is developed by Observatoire Radioastronomique de Nançay (ORN) / Observatoire de Paris/ CNRS-INSU
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The PandABox II Project is a collaboration between ALBA, DESY, DIAMOND, MAXIV, and SOLEIL, to enhance the existing “Position and Acquisition” processing platform called PandABox II. It will provide a New processor Zynq Ultrascale, more configurable I/O, more SFP, and supporting multiple encoder standards (incremental, SSI, BISS...). It will deliver synchronous triggering and data capture capabilities.
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The Analogue GIRAPH is an active 19" patch panel that provides 32 single ended or 16 diff. analogue inputs and 8 channels single-ended analogue output. More info at the Wiki page
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Firmware(gateware) for FPGA on AIDA-Innova TLU ( AIDAInnova_TLU )
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A Trigger/Timing Logic Unit to synchronize devices at beam test A successor to the AIDA(2020) TLU (https://ohwr.org/project/fmc-mtlu) This is an "umbrella" project with documentation, pointing to the projects with the hardware and firm(gate)ware
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The Macbeth (MAChine / BEamline Timing Hardware) system is aimed to synchronize the beamlines experimental devices (pump-probe, laser, …) with the accelerator beam with a high accuracy
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Mixed Digital IO RTM for the DI/OT project. More info at the Wiki page
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Interface box easing the integration of commercially available (high-voltage) power supplies into a Profibus or Profinet control system. The control system will always see the same API. Implements vendor-specific adaptation (logic, voltage levels).
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A radiation tolerant flashing beacon design, based on earlier GaN driver developments for radiation tolerant lighting. Currently in the prototype stage with no radiation testing yet performed.
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Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a method of drawing out fluid and infection from a wound to help it heal. The project is a cheap NPWT system consisting of easy to replicate or locally sourced materials.
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DI/OT Igloo2-based System Board for radiation-exposed DI/OT applications. More info at the Wiki page
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Active 32/64 channels 19" patch panel for FPGA boards, with robust 5V TTL I/Os, configurable through I²C and USB-C. More info at the Wiki page