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  • Projects / White Rabbit Switch - Software

    GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

    Development of software for the White Rabbit switch, and in particular the embedded Linux system running in the ARM9 processor. More info at the Wiki page

  • White Rabbit is a fully deterministic Ethernet-based network for general purpose data transfer and synchronization. It can synchronize over 1000 nodes with sub-ns accuracy over fiber lengths of up to 10 km. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page

  • Projects / Software for White Rabbit PTP Core

    GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

    White Rabbit PTP Core software for LatticeMico32. It consists of a software wrapper for running a PTP daemon without an operating system and device drivers for WRPC HDL internals.

  • White Rabbit Trigger Distribution project. More info at the Wiki page

  • The VFC is a VME carrier for two VITA 57 (FMC) mezzanines. For more details please refer to the wiki pages. Obsolete project. Replaced by VFC-HD.

  • A fine delay generator in FMC format with 1 input and 4 outputs. The resolution is 1 ns. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page

  • Etherbone is an FPGA-core that connects Ethernet to internal on-chip wishbone buses permitting any core to talk to any other across Ethernet.

  • An FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) with a Time to Digital Converter chip to perform one-shot sub-nanosecond time interval measurements. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page

  • A collection of platform-independent cores such as memories, synchronizer circuits and Wishbone cores.

    More info at the Wiki page

  • This project defines data structures, to be embedded in the FPGA memory address space, to enumerate the devices that have been synthetized in the current design. The same structure is also used as a simple flash file system. AKA Self-Describing Bus (SDB) Specification for Logic Cores. The layout is simple enough to be parsed both by the host and by the internal soft-core, if any.

    The documentation is public, and related code is GNU GPL licensed.

  • FmcDIO5chTTLa is a 5-bit port digital IO card in FMC form-factor. Each single-bit port can be configured individually as input or output. The I/Os on LEMO 00 connectors are TTL compatible. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page

  • Projects / Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC - Software

    GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

    Software support for the SPEC board, including kernel and user-space Linux code. The package also include the fmc-bus driver, which is expected to be used by other carriers as well.

  • We have designed an FPGA Mezzanine card (standard FMC/Vita 57) for high-channel-count electrophysiology, with 128 channels (potentially up to 512), based upon Intan Tech's RHA2132 (2 uV rms input-referred noise), sampled at 25kHz 18bit by AD7982. We are basing our design on the reference design provided by Reid Harrison of Intan Tech for their 16-channel evaluation board. The expected cost of the device should be under 5000$.

    In order to have an integrated solution we intend to have as default carrier the Opal Kelly Shuttle LX1, an inexpensive USB FMC carrier with an excellent USB controller. The integrated solution will be completed with software on the PC side to grab to disk continuously and/or display in some fashion all 128 channels.

    Our status: We have an alpha card. It has passed most tests---we can grab from any channel at 1MS/s. We have an alpha microcode: it grabs from any channel and stores on the PC.

    Our current team: Marcelo Magnasco (Rockefeller University, New York), design. Andres Cicuttin (ICTP, Trieste), schematics + fpga Maria Liz Crespo (ICTP, Trieste), fpga Sanjee Abeytunge (MSKCC, New York) layout Nicholas Joseph (RU) Macintosh drivers

  • A project to host all software and hardware developments related to testing the White Rabbit switch.

  • A White Rabbit compliant Network Interface Card (NIC) based on the SPEC and the DIO FMC. This project hosts the HDL and associated software to configure the SPEC so it behaves as a NIC under the Linux OS.

  • A cute-wr is a compact WR-node implementation with minimum components required. The initial design is derived from SPEC, but would work in an opposite manner as a FMC wr-nic, providing 2 DIO channels, external CLK input, EEPROM, JTAG, RS232, and expandable IOs through FMC connector. The gateware and software of cute-wr would also keep maximum compatibility with SPEC. Project is obsolete. See cute-wr-dp for a similar board.

  • Projects / PPSi

    GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only

    A Precise Time Protocol (PTP, IEEE 1588) software stack whose single source code can be compiled for many architectures (POSIX systems, WR switch, WR node, ...) and which is easily extensible.

  • Projects / Beam Positoning Monitor - Software

    GNU General Public License v3.0 only

    Software for Beam Position Monitor, including digital signal processing chains, data acquisition engines, ADC and analog front-end peripherals control/monitoring, timing and control system interface.

  • Projects / FMC Bus

    GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

    The FMC bus abstraction implements a Linux kernel bus named fmc. This allows to deal with FMC mezzanines in a carrier-independent way

  • Software support for the SVEC board, including kernel and user-space Linux code.
