Commit f44284ef authored by Dave Newbold (UoB)'s avatar Dave Newbold (UoB)

Bug fix

parent 3b2e7939
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ sleep(1)
r = list()
evts = 0
max_evts = 100000
n_trig = 3
while True:
......@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ while True:
while len(r) > 0:
m = int(r.pop(0))
if (m >> 16) != 0xaa00:
if (m >> 24) != 0xaa:
print "Bad news: event header incorrect"
print "%08x" % m
......@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ while True:
l = m & 0xffff
if len(r) >= l:
w0 = int(r.pop(0))
print hex(w0)
rtype = (w0 >> 28)
print "Readout type %d Len %04x" % (rtype, l)
if rtype == 0: # A data block
......@@ -144,8 +146,8 @@ while True:
elif rtype == 1: # A trigger block
ttype = w0 & 0x3ffff
tstamp = int(r.pop(0)) | (int(r.pop(0)) << 32)
for _ in range(5):
for _ in range(2 * n_trig + 1):
print hex(r.pop(0))
print "\tTbits %08x Time %012x" % (ttype, tstamp)
print "Unknown readout type"
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