Commit a59918ef authored by Dave Newbold's avatar Dave Newbold

Addrtab update

parent 15c92fda
-- Address decode logic for ipbus fabric
-- This file has been AUTOGENERATED from the address table - do not hand edit
-- We assume the synthesis tool is clever enough to recognise exclusive conditions
-- in the if statement.
-- Dave Newbold, February 2011
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
package ipbus_decode_sc_fake is
constant IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH: positive := 5; -- Should be enough for now?
subtype ipbus_sel_t is std_logic_vector(IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH - 1 downto 0);
function ipbus_sel_sc_fake(addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) return ipbus_sel_t;
-- START automatically generated VHDL the Mon Jun 5 23:01:57 2017
constant N_SLV_CTRL: integer := 0;
constant N_SLV_PARAMS: integer := 1;
constant N_SLAVES: integer := 2;
-- END automatically generated VHDL
end ipbus_decode_sc_fake;
package body ipbus_decode_sc_fake is
function ipbus_sel_sc_fake(addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) return ipbus_sel_t is
variable sel: ipbus_sel_t;
-- START automatically generated VHDL the Mon Jun 5 23:01:57 2017
if std_match(addr, "------------------------------0-") then
sel := ipbus_sel_t(to_unsigned(N_SLV_CTRL, IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH)); -- ctrl / base 0x00000000 / mask 0x00000002
elsif std_match(addr, "------------------------------1-") then
sel := ipbus_sel_t(to_unsigned(N_SLV_PARAMS, IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH)); -- params / base 0x00000002 / mask 0x00000002
-- END automatically generated VHDL
sel := ipbus_sel_t(to_unsigned(N_SLAVES, IPBUS_SEL_WIDTH));
end if;
return sel;
end function ipbus_sel_sc_fake;
end ipbus_decode_sc_fake;
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