Commit 5c75289b authored by Dan Saunders's avatar Dan Saunders


parent 59e283f5
......@@ -5,41 +5,42 @@ import uhal
import time
import sys
import collections
import detector_config_tools
def spi_config(spi, div, ctrl, ss):
spi.getNode("divider").write(0xf) # Divide 31.25MHz ipbus clock by 32
spi.getNode("ctrl").write(0x2410) # 16b transfer length, auto CSN
spi.getNode("ss").write(0x1) # Enable SPI slave 0
spi.getNode("divider").write(0xf) # Divide 31.25MHz ipbus clock by 32
spi.getNode("ctrl").write(0x2410) # 16b transfer length, auto CSN
spi.getNode("ss").write(0x1) # Enable SPI slave 0
def spi_write(spi, addr, data):
spi.getNode("d0").write((addr << 8) + data) # Write data into addr
spi.getNode("ctrl").write(0x2510) # Do it
r = spi.getNode("ctrl").read()
if r & 0x100 != 0:
print "SPI write error", hex(addr), hex(data)
spi.getNode("d0").write((addr << 8) + data) # Write data into addr
spi.getNode("ctrl").write(0x2510) # Do it
r = spi.getNode("ctrl").read()
if r & 0x100 != 0:
print "SPI write error", hex(addr), hex(data)
def spi_read(spi, addr):
spi.getNode("d0").write(0x8000 + (addr << 8)) # Read from addr
spi.getNode("ctrl").write(0x2510) # Do it
d = spi.getNode("d0").read()
r = spi.getNode("ctrl").read()
if r & 0x100 != 0:
print "SPI read error", hex(addr)
return d & 0xffff
spi.getNode("d0").write(0x8000 + (addr << 8)) # Read from addr
spi.getNode("ctrl").write(0x2510) # Do it
d = spi.getNode("d0").read()
r = spi.getNode("ctrl").read()
if r & 0x100 != 0:
print "SPI read error", hex(addr)
return d & 0xffff
offsets = [0, 13, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 10, 9, 12, 11]
invert = [0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25]
# Db stuff.
ips = detector_config_tools.currentIPs(False)
db = dataset.connect('mysql://DAQGopher:gogogadgetdatabase@localhost/solid_phase1_running')
configID = 0 #first time case
......@@ -54,6 +55,9 @@ for ith_ip in ips:
ith_slips, ith_taps = [], []
print '\nAbout to align ip:', ith_ip
board = uhal.getDevice("board", "ipbusudp-2.0://192.168.235." + str(ith_ip) + ":50001", "file://addrtab/top.xml")
#board = uhal.getDevice("board", "ipbusudp-2.0://", "file://addrtab/top_sim.xml")
#manager = uhal.ConnectionManager("file://connections.xml")
#board = manager.getDevice(sys.argv[1])
v = board.getNode("").read()
......@@ -67,7 +71,7 @@ for ith_ip in ips:
chans = range(0x1)
chans = range(0x40)
adcs = range(0x10)
patt = 0x0ff
cap_len = 0x80
......@@ -85,7 +89,6 @@ for ith_ip in ips:
spi_write(spi, 0x4, patt & 0xff) # Test pattern
for i_chan in chans:
workers = []
board.getNode("csr.ctrl.chan").write(i_chan) # Talk to channel 0
board.getNode("daq.chan.csr.ctrl.mode").write(0x1) # Set to capture mode
board.getNode("daq.chan.csr.ctrl.src").write(0x0) # Set source to ADC
......@@ -95,35 +98,37 @@ for ith_ip in ips:
board.getNode("daq.chan.csr.ctrl.en_buf").write(0x1) # Enable this channel
res = [False] * (17 * taps_per_slip)
res = [False] * (15 * taps_per_slip)
tr = []
for i_slip in range(1):
for i_slip in range(14):
ok = False
for i_tap in range(32):
atap = board.getNode("daq.chan.csr.stat.tap").read()
aslip = board.getNode("daq.chan.csr.stat.slip").read()
# print "Set slip, tap ; actual slip, tap", hex(i_slip), hex(i_tap), hex(aslip), hex(atap)
if i_slip != aslip or i_tap != atap:
print "Colossal bullshit has occured"
board.getNode("daq.timing.csr.ctrl.chan_cap").write(0x1) # Capture
while True:
r = board.getNode("daq.chan.csr.stat").read()
d = board.getNode("").readBlock(cap_len)
if r & 0x1 == 1:
print "Crap no capture", hex(i_chan), hex(i_slip), hex(i_tap), hex(r), time.clock()
c = 0
<<<<<<< HEAD
for w in d:
if int(w) & 0x3ff == patt:
c += 1
#print hex(w),
#print i_chan, i_slip, i_tap, c, '\t-\t', iBoard
l = (offsets[i_slip] + 2) * taps_per_slip - i_tap
res[l] = (c == cap_len)
#res[i_slip * taps_per_slip + i_tap] = (c == cap_len)
if c==cap_len: workers.append([i_slip, i_tap])
# print hex(w),
# print hex(i_chan), hex(i_slip), hex(i_tap), c
res[offsets[i_slip] * taps_per_slip + (31 - i_tap)] = (c == cap_len)
>>>>>>> a1628f5b1f63ca4804f5919005d9e7f3db8ac00c
ok = (c == cap_len) or ok
board.getNode("daq.timing.csr.ctrl.chan_inc").write(0x1) # Increment tap
......@@ -138,7 +143,6 @@ for ith_ip in ips:
min = 0
max = 0
non_cont = False
print workers, len(workers), workers[len(workers)/2]
for i in range(len(res) - 1):
if res[i + 1] and not res[i]:
if min == 0:
......@@ -156,37 +160,15 @@ for ith_ip in ips:
trp += "+"
trp += "."
<<<<<<< HEAD
a = int((min + max) / 2)
l_tap = taps_per_slip
d_slip = 0
d_tap = 0
for i_slip in range(14):
for i_tap in range(taps_per_slip):
if a == (offsets[i_slip] + 2) * taps_per_slip - i_tap:
d_slip = i_slip
d_tap = i_tap
db['TapSlips'].insert({'configID': int(configID), 'ip': ith_ip, 'tap': d_tap, 'slip': d_slip, 'channel': i_chan})
print trp
a = int((min + max) / 2)
d_slip = offsets.index(a // taps_per_slip)
d_tap = a % taps_per_slip
print trp
db['TapSlips'].insert({'configID': int(configID), 'ip': ith_ip, 'tap': d_tap, 'slip': d_slip, 'channel': i_chan})
>>>>>>> a1628f5b1f63ca4804f5919005d9e7f3db8ac00c
print trp
db['TapSlips'].insert({'configID': int(configID), 'ip': ith_ip, 'tap': d_tap, 'slip': d_slip, 'channel': i_chan})
if not non_cont:
print "Chan, rec_slip, rec_tap:", i_chan, d_slip, d_tap, '\t', iBoard
print "Chan, rec_slip, rec_tap:", i_chan, d_slip, d_tap
print "Chan, NON CONTINUOUS RANGE", hex(i_chan), trp
......@@ -13,4 +13,8 @@
address_table="file://addrtab/top.xml" />
<connection id="BR2_53" uri="ipbusudp-2.0://"
address_table="file://addrtab/top.xml" />
<connection id="BR2_74" uri="ipbusudp-2.0://"
address_table="file://addrtab/top.xml" />
<connection id="BR2_54" uri="ipbusudp-2.0://"
address_table="file://addrtab/top.xml" />
......@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ nChanJumps = 0
iEntry = -1
prevChan = 64
min_tap, max_tap, min_slip, max_slip = 99, 99, 99, 99
print 'Channel, slip, tap'
for entry in db['TapSlips']:
if entry['ip'] == '102': print 'IP 102:', entry
if entry['ip'] == '51':
print entry['channel'], entry['slip'], entry['tap']
if entry['configID'] == 26:
if prevChan != entry['channel'] - 1:
#print entry
......@@ -24,3 +27,4 @@ print 'Current (max) config ID:', max(db['Config']['configID'])
print 'nJumps:', nChanJumps
print 'max/min tap:', max_tap, min_tap
print 'max/min slip:', max_slip, min_slip
......@@ -6,14 +6,15 @@ import sys
from I2CuHal import I2CCore
from si5344 import si5344
import detector_config_tools
#ips = detector_config_tools.currentIPs(False)
ips = [62, 72, 70, 71, 87, 94, 89, 85, 83, 68, 51, 61, 52, 63, 91, 81, 67, 73, 57, 102, 74, 59, 96, 90, 64, 98, 76, 104, 54, 58]
ips = detector_config_tools.currentIPs(False)
#ips = [62, 72, 70, 71, 87, 94, 89, 85, 83, 68, 51, 61, 52, 63, 91, 81, 67, 73, 57, 102, 74, 59, 96, 90, 64, 98, 76, 104, 54, 58]
ips = [72]
slaveReadoutBoards = True
>>>>>>> 770260c728da726f742260c3dfe27c8be7156add
hw_list = []
for ip in ips:
print 'Setting up readout board ip:', ip
hw_list.append(uhal.getDevice("board", "ipbusudp-2.0://192.168.235." + str(ip) + ":50001", "file://addrtab/top.xml"))
......@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ for hw in hw_list:
f = hw.getNode("csr.stat").read()
print "csr.stat:", hex(f)
print "csr.stat:", hex(f), int(f) & 0x1, int(f) & 0x2
while int(f) & 0x1 == 0:
print "Wait for MMCM lock"
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