Commit 167769b6 authored by Dave Newbold's avatar Dave Newbold

Address table update

parent 691162ce
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<node id="chan" address="0x0" module="file://sc_chan.xml"/>
<node id="timing" address="0x10" module="file://sc_timing.xml"/>
<node id="fake" address="0x20" module="file://sc_fake.xml"/>
<node id="rtrig" address="0x28" fwinfo="file://sc_rtrig.xml"/>
<node id="rtrig" address="0x28" module="file://sc_rtrig.xml"/>
<node id="tlink" address="0x30" fwinfo="endpoint;width=0"/>
<node id="trig" address="0x40" module="file://sc_trig.xml"/>
<node id="roc" address="0x60" module="file://sc_roc.xml"/>
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