Commit 0716e1a9 authored by Dave Newbold's avatar Dave Newbold

Adding SI5345 register dump script

parent 25b684f6
import uhal
import time
import sys
from I2CuHal import I2CCore
from si5344 import si5344
hw = uhal.getDevice("board", "ipbusudp-2.0://", "file://addrtab/top.xml")
hw.getNode("csr.ctrl.soft_rst").write(1) # Reset ipbus registers
hw.getNode("csr.ctrl.io_sel").write(9) # Talk via CPLD to Si5345
clock_I2C = I2CCore(hw, 10, 5, "io.i2c", None)
res= zeClock.getDeviceVersion()
for ipage in range(10):
zeClock.setPage(0, True)
for ireg in range(0x100):
print hex(ipage), hex(ireg), hex(zeClock.readRegister(ireg, 1))
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